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Lock.Moving to a different site.club members that still want to be a part ask me for site name


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Perhaps there could be a city where almost everyone has left because it's haunted by Ghost Pokemon. And on the other side of the woods in the back of of the town, a Haunted Mantion. Also, here are some Viruses I'm working on


God Virus (Virus Arceus): Is the creator of all the viruses. It is also known as "The Virus Arceus". After creating all of the Viruses, Virus Arceus comanded Galaxys to become the "God" Virus. There is a legend that once every 1000 years, it awakens from it's deep sleep to lead the Viruses for 1 day, then he goes back into it's sleep, and all the Viruses lose there memory of there true god, except for Galaxys


Virus Comander (Galaxys): Galaxys is the "God" of the Viruses. He is the only virus who knows about Virus Arceus.


Can I get some more ideas?

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viruses are from another dementions an have the ability to morph their dna to a mix of another pokemon.and yes a special place is needed no people or pokemon only virus and darkness like a dementional rip place.1st of all so thats the prologue, we'll need alot more for the beginning.



and you must gain special balls (work for frostbite33c84rm.gif)or(work for Aerobrustwu44m.gif) to catch viruses,(after capture they are given to the professor)and in the end Clan Exodust sends all the virus to somewhere and give u an egg or something.

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this is just a idea but what if there was a virus Pokemon that you get that can for to any Pokemon you want like its only move is Absorb and you fight a Pokemon and it transforms into that Pokemon instead of just getting a already transformed Pokemon

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hey ummm I changed my map a bit 2hnqgj8.jpg ok so what I did was change my overworld and add angry lugia who you set free and ends up helping u or something like that


heres a magma hideout for 2nd of 3rd in command,also where u meet a secondary character that moves the story line,and free groudon.otep86.jpg


and 2 towns=j60g3b.jpg and mltp8o.png

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I hate to rain on this Thread's parade, but you have a thief in your midst. The user known as Zephkaaa is a Liar and a thief. The "Nameless" Legendary Bird he so generaously "Scratched" and donated, is MINE.

The Sprite's name is Floracuatro, and it is featured in my Sprite Showcase on Serebii Forums and in my SheezyArt Gallery, and the it has fondly become my Sprite mascot.


To think that this individual has the gall to steal one of my best sprite splices and try and pass it off as his own is a severe insult to me and my work.


And if he defends otherwise, I DID NOT grant him permission to use my Sprite. I WILL NOT Grant permission for the sprite to be used. Please remove the sprite and you guys might want to have a Mod check out this Abuser for further acts of Sprite Theft. Something tells me its not his first time stealing sprites and it probably won't be his last.

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duh I am Floracuatro and if u check I have decided to start my work here

You are NOT Floracuatro. Floracuatro is the name of MY SPRITE' date=' Doofus! I am SaturnGrl, the original artist and Sprite Splicer who created Floracuatro.

You can't even get the right Artist name, thief.


duh I too was a student and he has donated this splice to me also by the looks of it.

Oh look, you learned to actually read what I wrote! Now you change your claim? I did NOT donate my sprite to you, and I'm a chick. I have zero tolerence for thieves like you. I am going to see his reported to the highest authority and let them deal with you.


alright I'm not him' date=' but I too was a student and he has donated this splice to me also by the looks of it.


Oh, this just keeps getting BETTER AND BETTER! How many times are you going to change your claim? Edit your post all you want, I can still see you for the lying fraud you are, and now so can everone else!

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then pls neg me also' date='if u so strongly believe this


No, this goes beyond a simple Negative Rating. Theft of Sprites is Theft of Art, and that in itself is a chargable offense. Like I stated before, I doubt this is your first time taking and claiming sprites that are not yours.

I am reporting you to a Mod. Whether or not they choose to investigte you further is up to them. But if stealing sprites is all your good at, the you may as well resign and have the Mods ban you now, and save me the trouble of reporting you.

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all I have to say is the Truth will be the Justice and If anyone believes her over me that I wasn't a student neg me and report me, but inside u will know I am innocent.

and only reason I said that I was him was that #2 would be pissed and think I stole it instead of receiving it from him.

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