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Plenty of errors, mostly involving OCG.


- Numbers should be in number form, not word form. (Four-level s/b 4-level)

- "is summoned" is not correct OCG. It needs to say something like "is Normal Summoned" or "is Special Summoned".

- "no magic, trap, or monster effects will work on this monster" s/b "This card is unaffected by Spells, Traps, and Monster Effects".

- "you can tribute this monster to summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your deck" s/b "You can offer this monster to Special Summon 1 Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your deck".

- "...your blue eyes white dragon can`t be destroyed" s/b "...Blue-Eyes White Dragon cannot be destroyed"

- ATK, not attack. (When referring to points, not in battle)

- "Turtle" isn`t a real type.

- Limited Edition monsters need gold stickers

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