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Lurkers of the Deep contest (closed)

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this is my first contest so listen up!

this contest will be pretty easy but I have a few rules to state...



1. The set ID number must be LOTD

2. The set must contain 4 cards (1 monster, 1 summoning condition spell card and 1 spell card , 1 trap card)

3. The monster must be a Sea-Serpent Type monster

4. The monster can only be summoned by the summoning condition spell card

5. The trap card must be a counter-trap



Have fun!!!





1st prize=2 reps and 25 points

2nd prize=1 rep and 10 points

3rd prize=5 points


DOUBLE EDIT: This contest ends August 8th

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"This monster can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card, "Charybdis Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose level equal 8 or more as a tribute from the field or your hand. In order to keep this on the field, you must offer a monster during each of your standby phases. During each of your opponent's end phases, you can take control of an opponent's face-up monster. In addition, for each time you tribute a monster for this monster's effect, increase its attack by 300 points."







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Yes, but it only designates monsters instead of everything. It also has slightly more ATK and DEF(?), 1 more star, and it is a ritual instead of just an effect monster. So pretty much, it is similar to Levia Dragon, but not the same thing. You could say it was inspired by Levia Dragon. You could also say the conditions for getting it out are also somewhat similar to Archlord Zerato and Mazera De Ville.

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Levia Dragon destroyes everything on the field and both player's hands, excluding itself. The card I made destroys all of the monsters on the field and both player's hands, excluding itself. In exchange for a slightly weaked effect, it gets slightly more ATK and DEF points. Similar, but not the same. What are you trying to get at? Are you trying to get me disqualified for making a card that is similar to another card?

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guys calm down!!!...I have the placements so far but i will keep them until the finishing date...Slime Lord's card is okay cuz I've seen LOADS of cards with the same effects...the most popular one I've seen would be "This card cannot be destroyed in battle". And I haven't seen many cards with Levia Dragon's effect so it still is qualified.

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