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Chronicles of Fantasy: The Crystal Emperor RPG


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Oh, sorry Gamemaster. You start of on the Black Fields, however there's nothing to do there so just say wich way you will take.


Nynk jumps up and kills two of the goblins, the third one runs away.


Ǽnigmǽ starts in the city of Hornhill. Is there anything you want to do before you begin your journey?


Hisan, is there anything you want to do?


Kirux, when you're walking in the village a oblin comes running to you and says: "I was attacked by a human! He killed my two friends! You will get well paid if you can bring his head here!"

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Do you accept people during the roleplay? If not, here is me...


Name: Zaphirus

Side: Dragon Clan

Race: Human/Demon

Gender: Male

Class: Warrior

Weapon of Choice:

Human - Sword

Demon - Red Trident

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Hold on. I'm changing mine -


Name: Zaphirus

Side: Dragon Clan

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Mage

Weapon of Choice: Four-Element Staff - Holds the Power of the Four Elements.

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