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Pls move to finished. Card Contest!!! Finished!

Luna Lovegood

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Holoing done by me. Original pic isn't mine.


[spoiler=Effect]This monster's attribute is also treated as WIND. You can only Advance Summon this monster by releasing 2 Dragon-Type monsters you control. When this monster destroys the following number of monsters by battle, activate the following effects in order:

-1: Negate the effect of 1 face-up Trap Card your opponent controls and destroy it.

-2: Search your Deck for 1 "Metalsilver Armor" and add it to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled.

-3: Summon 1 level 4 or lower normal monster from your hand in face-up Attack or Defense Position.

-4+: Draw 2 cards during your next Draw Phase.

If this monster is destroyed by battle, you can flip a coin. Activate the following effect:

-HEADS: Return this monster to the bottom of your Deck.

-TAILS: Remove this monster from play. Draw 1 card from your Deck.



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"Wind Splash Spearman"

Level 4/ATK 1100/DEF 1100


"This card is treated as 2 monsters while on the field. When your opponent controls more monsters then you while this card is on the field, this card's attribute is also treated as WATER. If you control a WIND monster and a WATER monster while this card is on the field, this card may attack your opponent's Life Points directly."


Heres my entry. Hope it does well!

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Here goes everything...

To make things simpler for me, everything in the rating scheme will be times 100.

Restless Tide VS Welche:


OCG: A Little unclear but not bad. 20/30

Effect: 15/20

Pic: I like it. 17/20

Name: 9/10

Set ID and Circulation: 10/10

Way it fits together: 7/10

All: 78/100


OCG: Found alot of mistakes.20/30

Pic: It's ok 13/20

Effect: Not as original as I could see, as I have given an example card with the same effect but for attributes. 10/20

Name: 9/10

Set ID and circulation: 10/10

Way fits together: 9/10

All: 71/100

Sorry Restlesstide but you are OUT

Wombat VS Lord Ferae

Lord Ferae

OCG: 21/30

Pic: To realistic. 13/20

Effect: It's ok. 15/20

Name: It's OK. 7/10

Set ID and circulation 10/10

Way fits together: 7/10

All: 73/100


OCG: can't find anything. 30/30

Pic: A little blury. 13/20

Effect: Balanced. 16/20

Name: 8/10

Set ID and Circulation: 10/10

Way fits together: 8/10

All: 85/100

Sorry Lord Ferae but your OUT

Now for Diety Mitsu VS 01alim


OCG:not bad. 28/30

Pic: Not bad. 15/20

Effect: A little overpowered but not bad. 13/20

Name: I like it. 9/10

Set ID and Circulation:10/10

Way fit' together:9/10

All: 88/100

Diety Mitsu:

OCG: Well, never before seen effect so I can't find any problems. 30/30

Pic: Very Good. 18/20

Effect: Not bad. 15/20

Name: Noy bad: 9/10

Set ID and Circulation: 10/10

Way Fits Together: Pretty good. 8/10


Sorry 01alim, even with a high score. YOUR OUT!

Chidori VS Chaos_Master_YGO


OCG: Really hard to understand. 15/30

Pic: Not bad, but it has a border. 12/20

Effect: Ok, you mest up normal summon with special summon. 10/20

Name: I like it. 9/10

Set ID and circulation. This was an easy ten points. 0/10

way fit's together: 7/10

All: 63/100


OCG: I can't find any problems. 30/30

Pic: It is good. 17/20

Effect: I like it. 17/20

Name: 9/10

Set ID and Circulation. Again easy ten points. 5/10

Way it fits together: 8/10

All: 86/100

Sorry Chidori, but your OUT

JLethal VS DeMeNTeD


OCG: a few problems. 15/30

Pic: It's ok. 17/20

Effect: I like it. 16/20

Name: Not bad. 7/10

Set ID and circulation: 10/10

Way fits together: Not amazing. 6/10



OCG: Not bad. 27/30

Pic: I like it. 18/20

Effect: 18/20

Name: I find it stuttering. 6/10

Set ID and Circulation: 10/10

Way fits together: Well. 8/10


JLethal, sorry but your OUT

tuffguy1992 VS csaman3


OCG: 20/30

pic: 17/20

effect: 17/20

name: 7/10

Set ID and Circulation. Come on. 0/10

Way fits together. 7/10




Tuffguy is through.

Mizore chan and secret agent man007 are through.

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