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Women of Bleach Conest!!!!!!!


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Prize stratification:


1st - 3 Reps, 100 points

2nd - 2 Reps, 50 points

3rd - 1 Rep, 25 points


  • perfect grammar and spelling
  • balanced
  • try to relate the card effect/stats/type/attribute to the character from the show
  • must be Ladies of Bleach and their support
  • No normal monsters
  • 2 cards max


The contest will end Friday July 25 Midnight EST.


The more PG-13 the better (that's why I love Bleach). If your worried about an image PM a mod please.

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[spoiler=Effect Kukaku]This monster is also treated as a Spellcaster-Type. If this monster battles with a level 8 or higher monster your opponent controls, destroy the monster at the end of the Damage Step. If this monster is destroyed by battle, you can flip a coin. Activate the following effect:

-HEADS: Your opponent must end his/her Battle Phase.

-TAILS: Select 1 Equp Spell Card from your Deck or Graveyard and add it to your hand.



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  • 1 year later...

I'm in. Here are my cards:


This card has effects of Orihime's Shun Shun Rika if you think about the effects carefully.


Harribel is not exactly the best card i made, but because she has this thick sword, she pierces damage often, and protects her peers, especially for her fraccion.

Please give credit. I am new, so i should recieve a fair score.


P.S Did you make this contest because you're a pervert?:-?:shock: Sorry though..

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