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Super Smash Bros Brawl Cards (Update: Items. Card count so far: 69!)


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These are my cards based off of Super Smash Bros Brawl. So far i have 39 characters (i didnt do zero suit samus for some reason) and 3 others. I am planning to do items, stages and assists as well.


Please rate and comment, Open the spoilers for the different sections.




The Mario Characters. I like the overalls version of wario beter than the Warioware version.




The Legend of Zelda characters. Haha, Ganondorf is way stronger than link.




The characters from Star Fox.




Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong.




Ike and Marth from Fire Emblem.




The Kirby characters




The many Pokemon.




Ness and Lucas from Earthbound (Mother). Lucas was from mother 3, which was never released outside of japan! how did he getin brawl?

I geuss the other earthbound characters were too dorky :lol:




The others.




Heres somthing interesting i read... Master hand is the right hand, also the embodiment of creation. Crazy hand is the left hand, and the embodiment of destruction. This was not some random thing someone made up. i forget where i found it but it came from someone inside the Brawl project (i think i saw it on the SSBB website).



I will Update more later, but please do give opinions or corrections.

Oh yea, one more thing. I made this card for laughs. THIS IS NOT TO BE RATED. Of course the fusion of 3 powerful cards would have an Exodia-effect.


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Your OCG is a little off. Some of the images could be better' date=' also. Though, effort wise, top marks.


All in all, good job. ;)





dont diss the images, i cut them individully from pictures i found on the SSBB website. also, you are the second person to tell me my OCG is off but wont give me a few pointers. im not asking for all, just some.

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Personally, I think that the pics are amazingly good. Very nice images. But with the OCG problems. For example: For the Luigi and Mario effects, you're stating them like they are a spell card or something. For luigi, you only have to say mario in the effect and for Mario, you only have to say luigi in the effect. Also Spell and Trap Cards are Capitalized. So is Graveyard as well. And don't get me started with DK's OCG...

But the Pics again are fabulous!

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Hey...I had the same images for my cards...some f them anyway...Thats probably cause I used google, which related back to the smash bros website. Anyway, very nice cards, with some different effects. I like different. But you should of made more of them above 2000 ATK and/or DEF points, because come on! Mario is the star of Nintendo! He should at least have over 2000 ATK points! and Sonic as well! Also, you don't need to have all of your monsters as Effect types, you should have ordinary types as well (Aparently, they r called vanilla types...), but apart from that; 6/10.

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Hey...I had the same images for my cards...some f them anyway...Thats probably cause I used google' date=' which related back to the smash bros website. Anyway, very nice cards, with some different effects. I like different. But you should of made more of them above 2000 ATK and/or DEF points, because come on! Mario is the star of Nintendo! He should at least have over 2000 ATK points! and Sonic as well! Also, you don't need to have all of your monsters as Effect types, you should have ordinary types as well (Aparently, they r called vanilla types...), but apart from that; 6/10.



1) i prefer effects

2) Your right, mario should be more powerful. sonic maybe.

3)you do not have exactly the same cards tho, i cut these directly from the bigger pictures.

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