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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Summoner of Death

Tokyo Duel

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Time: 10:26 P.M.

Place: An alley in downtown Domino City


"Hey...who is that guy?"

"I don't know...but he's coming up to us." "I know this isn't going to end well....

"He looks like some sort of duelist. We could crush him in a duel. A two on one, and besides, we are the World's Reinging Tag Dueling Champions after all."

"True... Alright let's go for it!"

"You wish to duel me? It will be over in exactly two minutes and thirty-eight seconds. If you lose, you die. If I lose, I die. Still wish to duel?

"Huh? Yeah right, enough mumbo jumbo. Let's duel!"


*Two minutes and thirty eight seconds later*


"I told you. Two minutes and thirty eight seconds later, you will die."







Deck Name:

Deck List:


[spoiler=My Application]

Name: Rai Venom

Gender: Male

Personality: Stubborn, Hardheaded, Brave, Reckless

Bio: A snake lover, he gives dueling his all with his devistating combinations of snakes.

Deck Name: Snake Summoning

Deck List:



x1 Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

x2 Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes

x3 Venom Cobra

x3 Venom Boa

x3Venom Snake

x3 Venom Serpant

x3 Corbra Jar

x3 Chain Snake

x1 Wicked Serpentine Anata



x3 Venom Swamp

x3 Snake Rain

x3 Venom Shot



x2 Rise of the Snake Deity

x3 Damage = Reptile

x3 Snake Deity's Command

x3 Ambush Fangs

x1 Venom Burn


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I'll join.

Name: Zak(This is gona pose a problem, Having 2 pple with the same name)

Gender: male

Personality: I try to make pple laugh, and im a major gentleman.

Bio: Living with mom, Dad lives miles away, Twin bro is in boot camp, & GF is a pervert.

oh and i can see monster spirits

Deck name: (it's a naruto ninja deck, costom made by me) & (i have a dino deck [real])

Deck list: Unknown

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i somon, "Kiba-Dog ninja" in def mode (DEF/1800)

when he is somoned to the field i git to somon "Akamaru-Ninja Dog" from my hand to the field.

go "Akamaru-Ninja Dog" in DEF mode. (DEF/800)

ill play 1 card face down & end my turn.




_|_ _◊ _ ◊|_

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3 cards in hand

4000 LP (or 8000 depending on how many we start off with)

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"Now, it's time for the Swamps Ability. During each of our end phases, all face up monsters on the field gain one venom counter. Also, when that happens, they lose 500 ATK."


"I draw. I summon Venom Serpent, and use his effect. I put one venom counter on you Kiba. Then I'll flip summon Venom Snake. While I'm at it, I'll activate his effect, I'll put one Venom Counter on Akamaru, destroying him because of Venom Swamps effect. See, when a monster's ATK is decreased to 0 for each Venom Counter, it's destroyed. By Akamaru! Now I'll end my turn, putting 1 Venom Counter on both my monsters:


Venom Snake:

ATK: 700


Venom Serpent:

ATK: 500



□|_ _◊◊ _|_

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I somon "Kabuto-Medical Ninja" (ATK/2000) (DEF/1900)

(he is only 4 stars so i dont have to sacrifice for him)

I'll use kabuto's efect to pay 1000 LP and "Venom Snake"

then ill switch Kiba in to ATK mode. (ATK/1600 minis the venom efect witch means he has 600 ATK points)

Kiba destroy's Venom Serpent & Kabuto atacks you LP difectly.




_|_ _◊ ◊ _|_

_|_○ _ _ _|_


LP: 3000

hand: 3

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