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My fire princess Deck please rate

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This is my fire princess Deck something i came up with.


Its simple you just try summon fire princess and try holding off any attacks, Also you try negating stuff like Heavy strom, well here it is and please rate


Monster cards 20

x3 Fire princess

x2 Marie the Fallen One

x1 Magician of Faith

x2 Cure Mermaid

x2 Dancing Fairys

x2 Mysterious Puppeteer

x2 Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

x1 Sangan

x2 UFO Turtle

x2 White Magician Pikeru

x1 Marshmallon


Spell cards 14

x2 Chorus of Sanctuary

x3 Dark Room of Nightmare

x1 Gold Sarcophagus

x1 Level Limit - Area B

x3 Messenger of Peace

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x2 Pot of Avarice


Trap Cards 6

x1 Gravity Bind

x2 Magic Jammer

x1 Mirror Force

x3 Solemn Wishes


Well this is it please rate and give Advice

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I had a friend that made a Deck like this before on his Tag Force 2 game. It worked pretty well. I think his Deck was something like this:


3x Fire Princess

3x UFO Turtle

3x Solar Flare Dragon

2x White Magician Pikeru

2x Cure Mermaid

2x Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

2x Apprentice Magician

1x Magician of Faith

1x Sangan

1x Marshmellon


2x Messenger of Peace

2x Spell Absorption

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Level Limit - Area B

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Premature Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Scapegoat

1x Pot of Avarice


2x Solemn Wishes

2x Draining Shield

2x Solemn Judgment

1x Mirror Force

1x Gravity Bind


He added the "Solar Flare Dragon" cards to add more Burn power to the Deck. The "Spell Absorption" sped up the destructive power of the "Fire Princess". He made sure to add enough protection cards to keep the opponent at bay. It worked fairly well. Try playing around with this schematic and see if it helps you out any.

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