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Crystal Beast/Rainbow Neos Deck(needs major work)


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This is my first attempt at a Crystal Beast/Rainbow Neos.


Now, I am new at Rainbow Neos, and I have seen the Neos Side of this deck(where Rainbow Dragon is dead weight no matter what), however since I am ne, I don't know what cards I need for said CB/Rainbow Neos or CB/Rainbow Dragon deck.


Please do not post rude or impolite commentary, I just need fixes/remodeled Deck lists


Monsters (18 )

Rainbow Dragon x1

Neos x2

Neos Alius x1

Pegasus x2

Tortoise x2

Eagle x2

Carbuncle x2

Cat x2

Tiger x1

Mammoth x2

Vortex Trooper(filler) x1


Spells!!! (16)

Polymerization x1

Future Fusion x1

C.Promise x1

C.Abundance(desperate times) x1

C.Blessing x2

C. Beacon x2

C.Tree x1

M.Reincarntion x1

Magical Mallet!!! x1

Giant Trunade x1

E-controller x1

Reload x1

Emergency Provisions x1

M.Space Typhoon x1


Traps!!!! O_O (7)

C.Pair x1

R.Path x1

R.Gravity x1

C.Raigeki x1

Negate Attack x1

Waboku x1

Jar of Greed x1


I know it requires Rainbow ruins, but I haven't had time to go to shops and obtain Johan packs or FOTB packs(also the same reason for not maxing Peggy).


I hope that I can get comments and major fixes ^_^


Thanks for Reading!! ;b(or attempting to!!!)

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- Alius

+ RD


+2 Prisma

+1 Stratos


+1 Reinforcement of the army.


- Path

- Gravity


To the part about Prisma' date='

Elemental Hero Prisma cannot be used with card such as Rainbow Neos, as the Fusion Material stated on it is not specific ("E・HERO Neos + A card with Ultimate Gem God in its name".)


Also, I may put in RD and RotA, however with my comment to Goldshine(vvv look below vvv), it might become an OTK, however this is not a confirmed fact. Lost in thought about this. Since I am not familiar with Crystal Beast RD/RN/OTK/E:All of the Above, it will take me awhile to decide and/or create ~_~



@ Goldshine: I thought about making OTK, however I have a question about it: Is the green monkey thing(can't remember its name ~_~) truly REQUIRED for it? If not, please provide like, a list or some really, really, really(can't stress this enough) good tips for a good OTK deck.


Thanks for Reading ;b

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@ Goldshine: I thought about making OTK' date=' however I have a question about it: Is the green monkey thing(can't remember its name ~_~) truly REQUIRED for it? If not, please provide like, a list or some really, really, [i']really[/i](can't stress this enough) good tips for a good OTK deck.

You pretty much get 4 CBs in Spell and Trap Zone, use Abundance to wipe the field. Summon the strongest CBs and swing for Game. The big Monkey thing helps by giving you another Monster you can attack with or something like that. Here's the build tonisanoob suggested for another CB deck.


1 CB Ruby Carbuncle

3 CB Amethys Cat

3 CB Amber Mammoth

3 CB Sapphire Pegasus

3 CB Topaz Tiger

1 Rescue Cat

1 sangan

1 snipe hunter

1 Green Babbon' date=' Defender of the Forest

1 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder


3 Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins

3 Rare Value

3 Crystal Blessing

3 Crystal Beacon

3 Crystal Abundance

1 giant trunade

2 crystal relese

2 lightning vortex

1 monster reborn


1 toorential tribute


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um' date=' i just visited the wiki, and thats the ocg ruling, its legal round the states.



................................I apologize.

Seems I have learned something today as well ^_^


@ Goldshine: And Toni's build works?

Also, just for the extra build, where can one find the Monkey thingamawhatchama#$%&-it?


$50 and below please ^_^

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Sorry. That big Monkey costs a lot. Last time I checked it was about $60' date=' maybe more. You can probably make minor changes to the build I provided if there's cards you are missing. Maybe Hand Destruction in place of Rare Value that is unless you lack 3 Rare Values. Yes, tonis build works.



Thanks, I will now attempt this ^_^

Yay me, Rainbow Neos's new job...........collecting dust behind its ghost rare brother ^_____^


My new goal........OTK!!!!


I can use Magna Slash and Gravi Crush Dragons, right??? (?)_(?)

Or are they not worth it?


I really need help with this build if it is to come to fruition(sounds like an evil plan, doesn't it?)

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