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[DISC] Anti-Fusions

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Good teck, only problem... alot of GB users are running 1-2 HeroIMAMAZING'S and 3 GYZIROCKS! and abunch of random fusions so this card misses alot. HOWEVER! with the release of Syncros, this card may get alot more play simple because of the 15 slots. Making 6 syncros target ble.

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^ You cant actually say that not all fusions have to be fusion summoned to kick off. Take the hex's for example, and magical scientist (i know its banned, but it still special summons) it should be Success > Anti > Non-fusion. Cuz no matter what 2 for 1, is always good. Destroying is always better than prevention. If that is the case, this beats all of them.



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I dont have any room for them in any deck. I also dont know how to build Side Decks for s***.

good side right now is summin liek:

3x Light Mirror

3x Dark Mirror

3x Crow

3x Prohibition / Success / PMD

3x Roar


Thanks a lot neo. I will use that side deck but i will put sth instead of dark mirror 'cause i am running darks.

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