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Pokemon Card Contest Finnnnnnnishhhhed


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You need to make 3 cards. At least 1 monster.

It can be about anything to do with Pokemon.


Only 6 people can enter.




4.Chaos Master Ygo

5.God Kirby




You must post your cards by 6.00pm tonight so i can have time to judge them before I go on holls8)



1st: 3 reps and 10 points.

2nd: 2 reps and 6 points

3rd: 1 rep and 3 points.

4th: 1 point.

Sorry no prizes for 5th and last.

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This looks like fun. I shall enter. Here are my entries:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing 2 Pokemon monsters in your Graveyard from play. Increase the ATK of this card by the Total Levels of the removed monsters x 200. When this card is specifically targeted by an opponent's Spell or Trap Card, you can discard 1 card of the same type to negate the effect of the opponent's card and destroy it


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here they are:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by sending 2 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned, your opponent cannot choose this card as an attack target. This monster can only be destroyed by an effect of a Spell or Trap card. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 800 of direct damage to your Life Points.


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i am gonna post some Kyogre cards because it looks cool so here it is:


p><p>[center][img]<a href=http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/4619/78252mx7.jpg' alt='78252mx7.jpg'>[/center]

p><p>[center][img]<a href=http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/821/78252mw2.jpg' alt='78252mw2.jpg'>[/center]

When this card is Summoned you cannot counduct a Normal Summon until your 2nd Main Phase after the End Phase of this turn. During each of your Stanby Phases, place a number of Water Counters on this card equal to the number of monster's your opponent controls (max. 5). By removing a number of Water Counters from this card, Downgrade 1 monsters Level on the field by the number of Counters removed. If a monster(s)on the field reach Level 0 they are treated as Normal Monster Cards and have 400 ATK and DEF.



- [(~CMY~)]

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Gah! Sorry! Was busy Playing video games. So this choice may be a little rushed.
When this card attacks, you can roll 1 six-sided die. Activate 1 of the following effects based on the result:
- 1,3,5: Discard 1 random card from your hand.
- 2,4,6: This card gains 1500 ATK during damage calculation this turn. During each of your Standby Phases, toss 1 coin. If the result is Heads, you can Special Summon 1 "Clefairy" from your hand or Deck.
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Cleffa". When this card attacks, you can roll 1 six-sided die. Activate 1 of the following effects based on the result:
- 1,6: Discard 2 Random cards from your hand.
- 2,5: Destroy 1 card on the field.
- 3,4: Increase the ATK of this card by 1500 during damage calculation.
"Clefairy" + 1 "Fairy-Type monster"
This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from your side of the field to your Graveyard. When this card attacks, you can roll 1 six-sided die. Activate 1 of the following effects based on the result:
1: Destroy 1 card on the field.
2: Discard 3 random cards from your hand.
3: Draw 2 cards from your Deck.
4: Remove 2 cards from your Graveyard from play.
5: Increase the ATK of this card by 2000 during damage calculation.
6: Your opponent draws 1 Card from their Deck.[/align]
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1st card:

name: the names mew the legandary pokemon as if there's only one:( there are many legendaries in the games. 3/5

pic: love it! 5/5

effect: not overpowered. nice. 4/5

ocg: can't see anything wrong. 5/5

other: not over powered, but you should put a main type, but pokemon and pyskick were fine. 4/5

total: 17/20


2nd card:

name: appropiate for the card. 5/5

pic: suits the name. 5/5

effect: nice effect, but there should be some restrictions. 4/5

ocg: perfect again. 5/5

other: not overpowered, but like i said there should be some restrictions to what you can summon from your hand. (like the monster you summon from your hand must have the same amount of stars as the one you added to your hand) 4/5

total: 18/20


3rd card

name: well any pokemon move could have been done for this really. 5/5

pic: matches the name, pity it's from the first film and probably doesn't look as good as from the new show. 4/5

effect: good effect and nicely balanced. nice and simple. 5/5

ocg: perfect again. 5/5

other: maybe your opponent could lose lp if the face down was a effect monster? 4/5

total: 18/20


overall total: 17.5/20

very good!

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1st card.

name: 5/5

pic: fits the name but a little borin. 3/5

effect: well there isn't one. the describtion tho is a little brief and a effect could make the card more interesting. 3/5

ocg: can't see anything wrong. 5/5

other: a little overpowered for a 6 star. maybe a 7 star? i think it could be a earth type but on the game it's also poison so i can't say much about that really. just a mater of opinion. 4/5

total: 15/20


2nd card.

name: 5/5

pic: fits the name of the pic and it relates to the describtion (being protective) nice pic too. 5/5

effect: like the 1st card no effect and the describtion is a little brief. however it does refer to the pic again. 4/5

ocg: no probs. 5/5

other: like i said for the first card, effect would have made it more interesting. balanced for a 5 star. 3/5

total: 17/20


3rd card

name: 5/5

pic: sadly u can only see his back. maybe face would have been nice. 3/5

effect: there isn't a effect again. as i've said with all of your cards, effect would have been nice. describtion is good. could have added a bit more tho. 3/5

ocg: legendary pokemon capped nice. 5/5

other: effect would be nice. well balanced for a 7 star. 4/5

total: 15/20


overal total: 15.5/20

nice effort!

maybe you should have done 1 normal monster, 1 effect monster and a support spell for your normal monster.

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1st card.

name: 5/5

pic: cool pic. 5/5

effect: very nice effect! like the way to summon it. 5/5

ocg: good. 5/5

other: maybe should be 7 or maybe 8 star. little overpowered for a 6 star (not in terms of atk and def. thats fine.) 4/5

total: 19/20


2nd card.

name: couldn't you have called it pokemon staidium? poke aiders is fine tho. but pokemon staidium would have been nicer. 4/5

pic: nice. it fits the name poke aiders. 5/5

effect: good. not too much atack and just your battle phase is nice. 5/5

ocg. perfect. 5/5

other: 1 prob. in your lucario card is was just a beast-warrior. in the effect of this card it says pokemon cards gain 200 atk. of course everyone knows lucario is a pokemon but you should have put pokemon as a sub type on it. 3/5

total: 17/20


3rd card.

name: refers to it's effect which is always good. 5/5

pic: don really relate to the pics but good pic anyway. 4/5

effect: love it! 5/5

ocg: nothing wrong. 5/5

other: well balanced effect. 5/5

total: 19/20


overall total: 18/20

very good cards! loved them!

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Using newer OCG just so you don't get confused.


[spoiler=Effect]This monster gains 150 ATK and DEF for each WATER monster on the field. This monster cannot be destroyed by battle if "Umi" is on the field. During your Standby Phase, flip a coin. Activate the following effect:

-HEADS: Search your Deck for 1 Spell Card and add it to your hand.

-TAILS: You opponent draws 2 cards from his/her Deck.




[spoiler=Effect]All Thunder-Type monsters gain 300 ATK. For each LIGHT monster you control (Except this card), activate the following effect:

-1 LIGHT monster: Draw 1 card from your Deck during each of your Standby Phases.

-2 LIGHT monsters: If this monster is selected as an attack target, this monster gains 200 ATK for each Thunder-Type monster you control until the End Phase.

-3 or more LIGHT monsters: Release this monster to Summon 1 "Raichu" from your hand or Deck.




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Chaos Master Ygo

1st card:

name: 5/5

pic: nice. looks like he's washed up on a beach lolz. but still good pic. 5/5

effect: very long:P

light kyogre effect: very good. the shining tokens is good and so is the kyogre token.

dark kyogre effect: very good tho a little overpowered:( but still good.

altogether: very nice effect. love the different effects for watever monster you tribute. a bit easy to get out tho. 4/5

ocg: only 1 prob that i can see. in the light kyogre effect, first u put shining token then u put shiny token. 4/5

other: easy to bring out because i took a look at light/dark kyogre and they are only 4 stars. also should have added main type as well as pokemon. 3/5

total: 16/20


2nd card

name: 5/5

pic: suits the name very well. 5/5

effect: good effect, a little overpowered, but in one part you say summon 1 samerai token and then u say dark kyogre token which i guess is ocg. 3/5

ocg: token confusion but everything else is fine. 4/5

other: should add a main type as well as pokemon. 4/5

total: 16/20


3rd card

name: 5/5

pic: suits the name. 5/5

effect: i know the effect isn't on the card but i'll rate it anyway. nice effect. not overpowered. 5/5

ocg: cant see anything wrong. 5/5

other: no atk and def. you haven't put the info on the card and main type like sea serpernt as well as pokemon. 2/5

total: 17/20


overall total: 16.5/20

very good effort!

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God Kirby

1st card

name: 5/5

pic: a little fuzzy and there is only a black background. 3/5

effect: good effect. not overpowered. 5/5

ocg: a few mistakes. you spelt thunder wrong and stone should be capped. you also put destroyed instead of destroyed. 2/5

other: not overpowered. balanced atk and def. should have a main type aswell as pokemon. 4/5

total: 15/20


2nd card.

name: good name but you spelt thunder wrong. 5/5

pic: a little blurry but good pic. 4/5

effect: good effect. 5/5

ocg: spelt thunder wrong. there is a big space but you wont lose a point for that. you put summoned instead of summon. 3/5

other: good balanced card. 5/5

total: 17/20


3rd card:

name: 5/5

pic: a little fuzzy and no background. 3/5

effect: the describtion is brief and a little borin. 3/5

ocg: the beginging of a sentance should always be capped. 4/5

other: should have a main type aswell as pokemon. could be a 2 star. 3/5

total: 13/10


overall total: 15.5/20

nice effort. should have had better pics

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1st card.

name: 5/5

pic: good pic. 5/5

effect: nice effect. 5/5

ocg: can't see anything wrong. 5/5

other: maybe it should be a 3 star cause of the effect. 4/5

total: 19/20


2nd card.

name: 5/5

pic: cool. it's doing metronome! 5/5

effect: good effect. balanced. 5/5

ocg: nothing wrong. 5/5

other: balanced card. only thing that i see is if you gain 1500 atk with effect, that would give it 3100 which is more then bywd. but you can only bring it out with celfa. maybe should be 5 or 6 star. 4/5

total: 19/20


3rd card.

name: 5/5

pic: good pic. 5/5

effect: nice effect. 5/5

ocg: isn't it the fuision deck not the extra deck. 4/5

other: isn't celfable celfairy with a moon stone? but you won't lose a mark for that. 5/5

total: 19/20


overall total: 19/20

very good cards. well balanced.

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1st card.

name: 5/5

pic: good pic. 5/5

effect: very good effect. 5/5

ocg: nothin that i can see wrong. 5/5

other: maybe should be 4 star cause of it's good effect. 4/5

total: 19/20


2nd card.

name: 5/5

pic: haa haa i used that pic on my pikachu card! good pic. 5/5

effect: good effect. 5/5

ocg: shouldn't it be all thunder monsters on your side of the field gain 300 atk? but you said it was newer ocg. should be tribute instead of release. 3/5/5

other: balanced card. 5/5

total: 18.5/20


3rd card.

name: 5/5

pic: thunderbolt! good pic but there is line running tho it. 4/5

effect: good effect. not overpowered since you have to skip your battle phase. 5/5

ocg: good cant see anything wrong. 5/5

other: balanced. good card but if there was a raichu, couldn't he or any other thunder type use it? 4/5

total: 18/20


overall total: 18.5/20

good cards. well done:P

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