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Self Destruct Deck (Come on guys, help out)

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Monsters = 12


3x Gravekeeper's Commandant

1x Sangan

3x A Cat of Ill Omen

2x Mask of Darkness

3x Giant kozaki


Spells = 14


3x Upstart Goblins

2x Allure of Darkness

2x Necro Valley

2x Book of moon

1 card destruction

2x Book of Taiyou

1x Heavy storm

1x Mystical space typhoon


Traps= 14


3x Solem Judgment

3x Self destruct button

2x Gift Card

3x reckless greed

1x Crush Card

1x Eradicator epidemic virus

1x Wall of revealing light.


Side= 15


3x Poision of the old man

3x Golden lady bug

3x Meteor of Destruction

3x Emergency provisions

3x Dian Keto the Cure Master


Strategy SD until the end of the intial 40 minutes. Than sd until the end of the final 4 turns. THAN gain life during SUDEN SUDEN DEATH.


Help any?

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Why does Kozaky need skill drain? Its only purpose in the deck is to get allured, stall, inflict damage, and tribute for eradicator Epidemics virus.


Off Topic: Ive been here for a while, but how come people don't rate or fix my decks much? *sniff... sniff* Do I offend?!

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Seriously guys, i don't bite, and i actually need advice on my decks! Im trying to take this to my locals in less than an hour, and some help would really be appreciated! (Also sorry if this bump is a little early, but im stressing cuz of this local. Winner gets $150.)

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^ Its a self destruct button deck, the only way i can activate the card is if my opponent has 7000 more life points than i do. Upstart helps because, it removes cards in the deck (actualy making my deck a legal 37 card deck) and gets my opponent closer to 7000 more lp, (without completely draining mines.) Also im about to get ready for the tourney, if nobody posts (I REALLY hope you guys post, come on guys seriously.... HELP) ill post the results in my bump. (or next reply)

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*sigh* it's sneaky and crooked to attmept to tak advantage of time-out for your own personal gain like this. You are nearly 100% inviting anger, arguments, loss of friends. you WILL get into a fight over this kind of win condition.




I suggest Wall of Revealing Light, and perhaps a copy or two of Fake Trap. I know it's old and passe, but it works against everything. It's pretty hard to get hit through an expensive WoRL. not to mention WoLR can be used during the opponent's turn, immediately followed by Self destruct, when you need to end the game at an exact moment for the oppurtunity to side deck before time completely runs out. :)


We are bastards!



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i am sure he lost unless the people he faces sucks and lol at the thought of him winning
I got bribed out' date=' i didn't loose. The deck did exactly what it was supposed to do. I settled for $40 only because the whole store got pissed at me. I knew there was going to be moaning and complaining, but i didn't know it was going to get that bad.


I agree. This deck will not stand up too the meta at all. I mean I know about the button combo but. Your mixing GK with it. its bad.
This was the fastest way to get SD into my hand, do you even know what the cards do? If so than you wouldn't have made such a silly comment.


] Maybe people would comment your Decks if they weren't really bad' date=' like this one.[/quote'] This deck isn't bad, i just don't think you know what its supposed to do. AND if its so bad, why not make suggestions to better it.


NEEDS soulems and bribes what if they soulem your win condition


also hand destruction MAYBE


Im using 3 solemn's, but still the most helpful advice from the last few post.

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I can see why you have GK in here. Don't insult my inteligence. There are far better ways of playing this deck im sure. Mybe some karuz? or cyber valleys?


Needs more soul taker.


Didn't mean it as bad as it came out (just re read) Valleys is okay' date=' but im not to sure how they will help much at all. And Soul Takers are a must, just a lil too rich for my blood. How would kuraz help?


An Early or Late Game Solemn Judgement means GG against you. Add in Rapid Fire Magician to the side deck. In Over Time him + Any Normal Spell = GG.


Early Solemn wont be a problem, late mabey, but most people set only 1 or 2 cards, and wont solemn a storm or Trunade. I cant afford Bribe right now, my only other alternative is to enter the battle phase, and deck 3 trap jamer. AND thats what eradicator epidemic is for, im only callin traps.

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