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help, new at this...

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:?Hi i'm NEW at this and usually STINK with all things techno... lol.


anyway,I waz reading a forum about pictures and siting them. Do we have to? Messes up the card a bit doesnt it? I mean, i know we're supposed to (so they dont get made at YCM) but its not like I sell them...


P.S some people have drawings that look SO REAL... how do you do that?

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OH!!! i kno what your askin now.. i usually visit deviantart.com or photobucket or somethin to get the pic.. but your askin about disclaimer.. yes. make a disclaimer somethin like this:


DISCLAIMER: i do not own the artwork for this card. The artwork belongs to {name here} of {site here}.


something like that would do fine.. idk why we have to but i just kno that if you dont then they will lock your thread

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