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yes i know my deck illegal but like i said i dont go to tournaments jus duel my friends...and it my not be the best deck but i guarantee u can do something with every card u draw...see i based my deck on jus power and like stoping my opponents from attacking...my power is from all my 4 level monsters are around the 1800 to 1900 atk. range...and i have a few cards with 2000 def....im thikning about making my deck legal and going to some tournaments...if anyone has some tips on how i could make it legal and better then hit me up...and i recently added light and darkness dragon and i have uria that i jus got out of the dark revelation pack vol.4....so im trying to figure out how to put him in there..thanks for anyone who helps.






dream clown

slate warrior x2

regenerating mummy x2


nin-ken dog

gearfried the iron knight

skull dog marron

magician of faith

familiar-possessed -eria

barrel dragon

archfiend soldier

ninja granmaster sasuke

big eye

reflect bounder

goblin attack force

chiron the mage

moai interceptor cannons


giant soldier of stone

mask of darkness

insect knight

ocean dragon lord-neo daedalus

dark blade


obelisk the tormentor

the winged dragon of ra




pot of greed


monster reborn

harpies feather duster

gravekeepers servant

axe of despair x3

ekibyo drakmord

swords of revealing light

heart of clear water

dangerous machine type-6

raigekimystical space typhoon




mirror force

kozakys self destuct button

enchanted javelin

negate attack

tornado wall

majic cylinder

trap hole






and yes i know gods are not aloud to be used but i dont duel in tournaments and everyone i duel has atleast one god card also im not sure how many cards are aloud in ur deck but that is 49 .AND DONT LEAVE COMMENTS ABOUT MY DECK BEING ILLEGAL CUZ II KKNOW!!!!!!!

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and im knew to this whole website...and heres a lil tip if know one knew this website...go to pokeorder.com if no1 knows of it yet u will find every card there and u can purchase..and where is the ban list like i said this site is new to me

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yes well i never purchased cards on pokeorder cuz im simply poor...lol..jk..but i heard of it from a friend and usually go there to look at cards that i want but will prob. nvr buy...and ebay is not always good cuz u never know if ur gonna be pushed into a scam not to mention pokeorder has a visual pic. of all cards so u can browse and see all cards u want/need

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and im thinking bout making a completely new deck...one that actually revolves around something i was thinking like a dark,light,or dragon deck..my deck is jus alot of cards i picked that i thought were powerful...id like i deck that actually has strategy like jaden yukis deck..like every trap or majic card goes with the monsters..ex. avian and feather shot

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