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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllp deck

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cyber dragon x2

cyber ouroboros x3

blue thunder x3

drillroid x3

ancient gear knight x2

light hex x2

cyber pheonix x3

grand mole




limiter removal

power bond x3

future fusion



mac dup xx

light vor x2





brain con



divine x3




chimaratech x3

twin x3

end x3



i no this deck needs help plz help i dont own valleys and therer expensive dont tell me to add fixes or new decklist r helpful

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heres a fix


get more money


u inconsiderate jerk call this spam but i have money but im not spendin all of it on 3 valleys so before u be an a hole just remember that ppl have cash and by the way wen u can afford even half the crap i have then we can talk does anyone else have a good build i will onli buy 1 valley gosh i didnt want to do this but u gave me no choice i asked for advice i dont need sum arogant jerk tellin me i need more money so if there is anyother a hole that wants to say crap lik toni then come on

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heres a fix


get more money


u inconsiderate jerk call this spam but i have money but im not spendin all of it on 3 valleys so before u be an a hole just remember that ppl have cash and by the way wen u can afford even half the crap i have then we can talk does anyone else have a good build i will onli buy 1 valley gosh i didnt want to do this but u gave me no choice i asked for advice i dont need sum arogant jerk tellin me i need more money so if there is anyother a hole that wants to say crap lik toni then come on


I heard there was a button that says when the end of a sentence is. I heard is what called the period. Spelling and Grammer also say Hi.


On Topic: Polymerization is really bad. Add in Jinzo.

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heres a fix


get more money


u inconsiderate jerk call this spam but i have money but im not spendin all of it on 3 valleys so before u be an a hole just remember that ppl have cash and by the way wen u can afford even half the crap i have then we can talk does anyone else have a good build i will onli buy 1 valley gosh i didnt want to do this but u gave me no choice i asked for advice i dont need sum arogant jerk tellin me i need more money so if there is anyother a hole that wants to say crap lik toni then come on


I heard there was a button that says when the end of a sentence is. I heard is what called the period. Spelling and Grammer also say Hi.


On Topic: Polymerization is really bad. Add in Jinzo.


idk takin up for toni and im not usin periods cauz im mad as heck and no jinzo but ill take out poly jinzo is goin to mess up wrath

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Poly should never be used. Drop it immediately. Cyber End shouldnt be in here. Where is the Draw Power and consistency? Its no wonder this deck needs help.


Build this:


Fusions: 6


3x Chimeratech Overdragon

3x Cyber Twin Dragon


Monsters: 18 (or 19 with Card Trooper)


2x Cyber Dragon

3x The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion

1x Dark Magician of Chaos (Spell recovery)

3x Jinzo (Try getting them)

3x Cyber Phoenix

3x Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (NOMI)

3x Jinzo - Lord (NOMI)

1x Card Trooper (if you have it)


Spells: 21


3x Reasoning

3x Monster Gate

3x Trade-In

3x Hand Destruction

1x Card Destruction

2x Magical Stone Excavation OR 2x Spell Reproduction (Overload Fusion Recovery)

1x Power Bond

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Future Fusion

1x Overload Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 1


1x Mirror Force OR 1x Torrential Tribute (its up to you)


The NOMI's are Trade-In discard material and cards you can freely discard for costs of Lightning Vortex and Hand Destruction. They also get skipped by Reasoning / Monster Gate which means you get Fusion Materials for Chimeratech and your deck becomes faster. Magical Stone Excavation is very expensive and highly unlikely you would have one. Spell Reproduction is the closest thing to Magical Stone Excavation. Only activate Spell Reproduction when you need to recover Overload Fusion and you're in a winning position. In case you dont own Card Trooper the Main Deck with Card Trooper is 41 so you can play without it without worrying about deck size. Hope this helps. This deck is way better than generic Cyber Decks.

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