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Is this happening to you? - YCMaker's Help Needed.


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Query: 1400 is a internet code that means there are way to many connections, so even more acounts are going to made, and it's gunna get worse really...So moneyponey said it...but it is going to get worse because of more views because there will be more people...we are looking at a...dare i say, a site abandonmant!! Although we could just make 2 YCM's, if YCMaker did that, there could be the members that have already joined here, and ones that join in the future, post there...except that would take to long and it may be expencive for web host's...-_-.

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yes, this happens to me quite often recently...


it might be the fact that there are now more people than ever being on this forum. n00bs and veterans alike.


i looked at the member list, and just to find which member i was took me about 15 minutes. i was the 14,642 member to sign up, and that was like on page 500.


there are more than 10 times that many pages. -.- that means that there is about 100,000 members registered. And that is ridiculous, as most are people that sign up and never post anything, maybe to just leave...


and it could be all of the games that have so many hits... all that info in one thread is ridiculous...


it could be partially my fault too. i have a store with 1000+ comments to it too... XD


sorry guys. :lol:

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