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Kirux: Well then you can help.

Suddenly there was a smash and 3 whitelighters burst in.

Whitelighter: Get them!

One with a spear jumped at Haruki while another with an axe went for the other two.

Kirux rushed at the leader. They met gazes then met weapons. Kirux sent 2 ninjas stars flying thrugh the roof then backflipped while swinging his nunchuks.

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OOC: Btw they aint too easy.


Kirux was still in the heat of battle. He had already weakened theyre leader but he still fought. At last Kirux hit him round the face slices it open. He back off into his white portal and closed it, leaving the spearmen and axemen to fight to the death.

The spearman brang his spear down to slice Haruki in two. While the axeman sent a sweeping blow after Hyomas legs.

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Suddenly a nija star strikes them both by the top of the head, killing them in a white mist.

Kirux: Haha i forgot about them. But they proved theyre worth. Dirty Lighters. Lets get going now that they know where you are they wont stop attacking

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OOC:what do you mean its a door from my deminsion that I came out of


making sure everyone was safely inside he shut the door


Haruki:Welcome to Twilight


the room that appeared was all monocromatic,and haruki's apperence changed to a Elvine like Nobody being only whit and black


Haruki:Don't be fooled by my appearence

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