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My Darkness Deck

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x3 Giant Germ

x2 Mad Reloader

x1 Night Assaliant

x1 Great Maju Garzett

x2 Vindictive Magician

x1 Greed Quasar

x1 Marquis of Darkness

x1 Necro Gardna

x1 Snipe Hunter

x1 Dark Armed Dragon

x1 The End of Anubis

x1 Goblin Zombie

x1 Helpoemer

x1 Spirit Reaper

x1 Morphing Jar




x1 Card Trader

x1 Pot of Avarice

x1 MST

x1 Yami

x1 Foolish Burial

x1 monster reincarnation

x1 fissure

x1 Tribute to the Doomed

x1 monster reborn



Traps x12

x1 Karma Cut

x1 Spirit Barrier

x1 Solemn Wishes

x1 Ultimate Offering

x1 Negate Attack

x3 Dark Bribe

x1 Magic Jammer


x1Dimension Wall

x1 seven tools

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There are alot of ways to run a DARK attribute themed Deck.


They, despite the opinions of the above, do not all need three copies of Dark Armed Dragon.


However, in accordance with the singular opinion above, they all need Allure of Darkness. (Talking about in major competition here.)


There are quite a few 1-ofs in the monster line-up that do not and probably should not be 1-ofs. The efficency of Necro Gardna and Goblin Zombie, for example, drop significantly when you have low odds of reusing their effects, and 3 copies a piece = 3 opportunities, without bringing back the deceased.


Also, the End of Anubis, while large, seems slightly counter-productive.


I would suggest placing this build to the side, deciding on what DARK attribute powerhouse you wanted to build a deck focusing on (or if your win condition was going to be something other than Life Point reduction through battle), and then move forward from there.


Some possible suggestions:


-Dark Armed Dragon

-Darklord Zerrato

-The Dark Creator



I personally think Necrofear stand up the best to Gladiator Beast, mostly cause a well-timed Necrofear equipped to opponent's Heraklinos = instant surprise victory that will requre side-decking.



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