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How does yubel work exactly

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It says on the card you need to destroy him to summon out terror incarnate, but i done that on yu gi oh online by sending him from my deck, and tributeing him can someone plz explain to me why won't this work and also i discarded him fromm my hand. I am not wanting to know because of yu gi oh online Its because i really got a yubel deck btw.

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You need to learn some of the basics of yu-gi-oh.


1. Tributing does not equal destroy.


2. Discarding from your hand does not equal destroy.


3. Sending from deck does not equal destroy.


To turn Yubel into Yubel Terror Incarnate he must be destroyed by a card effect. Also it has to be the last thing to happen on the chain, because if it is not you will miss the timing.


Here are some other rules concerning Yubel and his forms:




"Yubel's" damage inflicting effect is a Trigger Effect that activates before damage calculation.


Tributing 1 monster or destroying "Yubel" is a Trigger Effect that activates during your End Phase. You make your choice when the effect resolves.


When "Yubel" is destroyed while in the hand or Deck, its effect activates. If it is destroyed while face-down, its effect activates.


The owner of "Yubel" activates the effect. (If your opponent controls your "Yubel" when it is destroyed, you get the effect, not your opponent.)


When "Yubel" is destroyed during the Damage Step, its effect can be activated.



Destroying all other monsters during the End Phase is a Trigger Effect.


When a face-up "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" is sent to Graveyard, removed from play, or returned to its owner's hand, its effect to Special Summon "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" activates. This effect cannot be activated when it is returned to its owner's Deck.


When "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" is removed from the field, its owner activates its effect. (If your opponent controls your "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" when it is removed from the field, you get the effect, not your opponent.)



When "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" battles with a monster that cannot be destroyed by its effect, like "Vennominaga, the Deity of Poisonous Snakes", "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare's" effect still inflicts damage but will not destroy the monster.


When "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" destroys a monster in battle, its effect still inflicts damage but the effect to destroy the monster it battled with disappears.

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Torrential Tribute.

Raigeki Break.

Hell, even Needle Ceiling.



I think even Skill Drain works, because Yubel 1/2's effect(s) activate in the Graveyard.


Yubel does NOT work when discarded, or sent to the Graveyard in any way except by a card effect that includes the effect(s) of destroying something. Otherwise, it does not become its next form.

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