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Fairy metor crush or Big bang shot?

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Well, let's see...


Fairy Meteor Crush

Deals piercing

does not remove equipped monster from game (so only use on own monsters)


Big Bang Shot

deals piercing to opponent, whether you equip it to your own or your opponent's monster.

You can remove an opponent's monster by using this with MST etc.

400 attack increase


Personally i say Big bang shot, but meh.

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Big Bang Shot. You get the effect of Piercing Damage and a 400 ATK boost. Sure, your monster gets removed from play when the card leaves the field, but consider the pros behind that. "Soul Absorption" would give you 500 LP when the monster goes away. Also, you can equip it to "D.D. Survivor" to have a 2200 ATK beastick that will just come back when "Big Bang Shot" goes bye-bye.


Long story short - go with "Big Bang Shot". :D

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Guest PikaPerson01

ok because i was thinking of using it in my darkword deck (combining it with my mad king so that i always get to discard)




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There is NOTHING wrong with using it on "Brron' date=' Mad King of Dark World". It makes it able to take out a Cyber Dragon and it lets you deal with pesky face-down monsters.


Gotta look at the bigger picture :D



not to mention lay some hurt on those annoying mallows and reapers

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