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Xero's Craptacular Rares (Final Edit!) *Until August 9*

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Im just going down the list in no particular order, and i know there are some bannds, but i still collect them. any way...




Mist archfiend

2x Asura Priest (hobby leauge)

Darknight parshath (1x par and 2x ultra)

A-Team: Trap disposal unit

future fusion (par)

marshmallon glasses (o.O)

3x Magical explosion (par)

Legacy of yata-garasu (misprint secret rare)

guardian angel joan

dark ruler ha des


kaiser sea horse (o.O)

Breaker the magical warrior (gold)

fiber jar

3x solar recharge

2x axe of despair (ultra 1st and mint!, so smexy)

swords of revieling light (gold)

snatch steal

dimension fusion

call of the haunted





Prime material dragon

2x guardian of order (promo)

glad beast alexander (o.O)

3x cyber valley

3x wulf, lightsworn beast

2x zaborg


3x grinder golem

2x armagedon knight

freed the brave wanderer

2x glad beast octaviious (o.O)

glad beast torax (o.O)

muntant mind master


hanibal necromancer

2x bes tetran

cyber phoenix

dd warrior lady

demise king of armagedon

cyber blader (o.O)

makyura the destructor

heavy storm

giant trunade

3x dark eruption

2x javelin beetle pact (o.O)

zera ritual (o.O)


2x card destruction

infernal reckless summon

nobleman of crossout

legacy of yata

magic jammer

shadow spell (o.O)


i have 2 bald spots (with iou's in them, dont know what they could be,) but there tagged by a friend. XP


ADDED PHOTO'S, Photo's include rares.


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The rest of my book is just commons and short prints that i think are bad azz! Anyway i had more but they got stolen, probably would have had maybe 3 books by now. AND DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY ROOM! DIG THE BIG GULP!


Forgot to add DECKED GOODIES!


[spoiler= Deck'd Goodies 1]Picture009.jpg


[spoiler= Deck'd Goodies 2]Picture010.jpg


[spoiler= Deck'd Goodies 3]Picture011.jpg


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