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The Creation of the Virus


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Deck: 40


Monsters: 17


2| The Dark Creator

2| Cosmo Queen

2| Tri-Horned Dragon

2| Darklord Zerato


3| D.D. Scout Plane

2| Dark Grepher

2| D.D. Survivor

1| Sangan

1| Snipe Hunter


Spells: 14


3| Trade-In

3| Allure of Darkness

2| Card of Safe Return

2| Swing of Memories

2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm


Traps: 9


3| Solemn Judgment

2| Deck Devastation Virus

2| Eradicator Epidemic Virus

1| Crush Card Virus

1| Trap Dustshoot


I need serious fixes here, and I'd like to get this Deck to 40, suggestions for fixes?

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