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Last trial for Gladiator Beasts

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Ok. I used GB's for the July 13th HL tourney and... I did horrible. I dropped out on the 3rd round (lost 3x in a row). So I'm gonna make my final trial to make an incredible GB deck that can even withstand Royal Oppression or Skill Drain. If it's good enough, I might use it for Regional on July 19th.



GB Heraklinos

GB Gyzarus x3



3 GB Hoplomus

2 GB Bestiari

2 GB Laquari

2 GB Darius

1 GB Murmillo

3 EH Prisma

1 Sangan

3 Test Tiger





3 Shrink

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Premature Burial

2 Cold Wave

1 Lightning Vortex



1 Mirror Force

3 Dark Bribe

3 Waboku

3 Solemn Judgment

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You are missing my point. By adding in Dust Tornado, you are able to make plays that can turn the control of the duel. For example, if you take out a Royal Opression or a Skill Drain, you can combo a Prisma + Test Tiger into a Gyzarus, which in turn can turn into a Laquari+ Darius, which can turn into a Herkalinos. This allows you to play permission control with the opponent and give you the duel.


DDV gives you a dead draw until you get Gyzarus, which can't come out until you remove Royal Opression or Skill Drain. If someone plays a Royal Opression or a Skill Drain, you only have 2 answers, MST and Heavy Storm. If you can't draw into them fast enough, you lose.


Also Side Stratos for another Dust Tornado, because Stratos is only good in the Mirror Match. Dust Tornado, in addition of clearing away Royal Opression and Skill Drain, can allow an early game set up into Gyzarus and then into Herkalinos.



-1 DDV

-1 Stratos(to side deck)


+2 Dust Tornado.

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