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My Neo Space Deck

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hi, this is my neos deck and i have been going over it for a while now and i just can not get the build right, it runs fine but i would like to make some inprovents so please tell me what i should do to make this deck better because i would like to run a good neo space deck.





neos x2

neos alius x2

prisma x2

stratos x1

pathfinder x2

grand mole x1

hummingbird x1

aqua dolphin x1

flare scarab x1

glow moss x1

dark panther x1

kaiser sea horse x1

sangan x1

marshmallon x1



neo space x2

space gift x3

o- oversoul x2

RotA x2

common soul x1

lightning vortex x2

SorL x1

monster reborn x1

premature burial x1

PoA x1

heavy storm x1

MST x1



bottomless trap hole x2

torrential tribute x1

waboku x1

royal decree x1



chaos neos x1

storm neos x1

grand neos x2

glow neos x1

air neos x1

dark neos x1

aqua neos x2

flare neos x2


well that's it like i said i would like to run a good neo space deck , so please take a look and tell me what i sould do, thanks

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