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How to Beat this Card


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Use "Prohibition" on that card, that way your opponent won't be able to summon it (This only if the card was on the deck or hand). If it were on the field you can use a strong card like "Gate Guardian" then equip him with the spell card "Rainbow Veil" that way when "Gate Guardian" attacks "Krypto the Superdog" it's effect would be negated during the battle phase. Since it's effect is negated, "Krypto the Superdog" would be destroyed.


*(Gate Guardian is an example, other cards can also be use)

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Guest PikaPerson01

The only way I could even think of getting that card out would be if you got it with Momongas at the same time.


On-topic: Spin, bounce, RFG (Caius's effect), Brain, Plasma.

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It is in the wrong section

As for the card' date=' it's kinda overpowered.



Look DeMeNTeD, I don't care about your opinion because that is not what I asked (and because I've heard it alot). What I am asking is: What strategy/cards would you use to take this card down?


Not your opinion.




Getting back on topic... this card's greatest foe would be Neo-Spacian Grand Mole for obvious reasons.

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