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Yu-Gi-Oh GX: The Dawn of Destruction

End Of The Abyss

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OOC: Technicly I'm trying not to harass, the fact is that I'm trying to help, I've tried being nice and none of you answered, I've tried rping with you guys, i couldn't keep up because of my work hours, I try being mean it gets you guys pissed, again I am not trying to harass but trying to help, but whatever I guess someone who just cares about something is really just a bully, i'll just leave you all alone

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Hyoma: Well I have to fight a psuedo-god plus maybe a deity if that girl gets in the fight. You want to help. Oh and for your information the girl is being controlled well she's under a spell that makes her a petifiler with that freaky ten year old.

eyes turn red


Kyoku:lets go!

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