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Yu-Gi-Oh GX: The Dawn of Destruction

End Of The Abyss

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Raku: But...you and Hyoma. Kai I dont want my feeling for you to mess up the relation ship you and Hyoma have. *Takes a drink. Rain pooring down his face his hair in his eyes. Raku looks up at the sky again as lightning crackels in the sky and the wind pics up. Leafs from the tree above start to blow off.* Did it mean any thing? The kiss, did it mean anything Kai?

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Raku: I have to go now, love is to comlex for me. I do want to be involved with this anymore. Kai Im tired of trying to find out the truth Im getting old and the rest of my life wont be devoted to trying to know. *Raku gets up and walks out of the park. He stands on the corner for a short time and waits for a taxi to come by. Before he gets in he looks bac at Kai and grabs his heart in pain. Finally he gets in and heads home. Kai is left alone on the bench the light above flickers before shorting out.*

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Raku: kai open up its me, Raku. Hyoma...SOMEONE!!!


Police: Sir, are you a friend of Kai?


Raku: Yes, what happened.


Police: Well, he commited suicide last night. A big knife it was...never mind.


Raku:...*Raku gets in his car and gets on the highway driving above speed limit. He then drives through the guardrell and his car rolls serveral times before stoping. Oil leaks from his car and it explodes, Rakus secreams* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa....

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Ryko: ...

Ryan: NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Ryan starts weeping on the thought that his friends commited suicide, then all of a sudden, Ryko sees a rather large crystal in the distance


Ryan: EoC!? Is that you


Envoy of Chaos appears out of the darkness


EoC: So, this is your heir Ryan?

Ryan: yes, his name is Ryko


Envoy of Chaos sensed the Life Force of Kai and Raku disappearing


EoC: We need to get these guys back, Ryko, talk to them in the afterlife, Ryan, You help Revive Raku, I'll Revive Kai


OoC: Does Raku and Kai want to be revived?

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