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Elemental Burn (I don't see why E-Heros are unplayable)

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I'm sure the deck can be much improved, but that is the purpose of this forum, right people? At least the deck's concept will see greater light.


Monsters: 18


3x Elemental Hero Bubbleman

3x Elemental Hero Clayman

3x Elemental Hero Burstinitrix

3x Elemental Hero Avian

2x Elemental Hero Prisma

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

3x Cannon Soldier


Spells: 13


1x Card Destruction

3x Hand Destruction

3x Fusion Gate

2x Terraforming

2x Bait Doll

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade


Traps: 9


3x Chain Material

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Dark Bribe


Fusions: 18


3x Elemental Hero Electrum

3x Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster

3x Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

3x Elemental Hero Mariner

3x Elemental Hero Mudballman

3x Elemental Hero Steam Healer


As far as I'm concerned, any Decktype that even has the potential for a FTK, let alone an OTK, needs to be considered, atleast in terms of how to make it faster. That's why I show this.


I originally was going to use Toon Cannon Soldier for searchability and deck thinning, but I honestly didn't feel like figuring out what to drop for Toon Index (screw Table of Contents; Index sounds better and is funnier to me), and it was just the CONCEPT I wanted help with; it doesn't have to be this exact build.

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Wait a sec... has no one really ever thought of this? NO ONE sees it?


The deck could be bad, fine. Future Fusion? I see it as possible.


But if you have no idea why I wrote burn, you don't see the point!


How many Fusions are there? Which elemental heros were picked? Their can't POSSIBLY be a reason for that, right? Come on people. Don't act like I'm stupid.

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You don't have Wildheart, Bladedge, Ocean or Necroshade. What's more, you somehow decided against SFW. The mere fact that you use Bubbleman and Mariner kills this Deck. Also, I notice that it's burn only because of Cannon Soldier, but the closest you have for tributes is Fusions and others, but if three Cannon Soldiers that can't be revived are your only ways for burn, that is a really poor idea.

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The problem with E-Heroes is that they rely on Polymerization. I do admit cards like Wildheart are all right. What you need is maximum ways to get Fusion Monsters out. Also remember that E-Heroes can protect you to some extent. Clayman can get you a good 1-2 turn stall. I would recommend De-Fusion as well, a MUST in any Fusion Deck.

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Polymerization leads to needing more cards in hand.


The purpose and goal is to get to the point where you know your opponent cannot counter, then utilze Fusion Gate and Chain Material.


Fusion Gate allows you to fuse continuously, and removed material from play as a 'drawback'.


Chain Material lets you take the material from any location, and removes material from play as a 'drawback'.


Once the combo is activated, you would remove from play (no matter where they are, hence the simplicity of the combo):


Bubbleman + Clayman = Mudballman

Clayman + Burstinitrix = Rampart Blaster

Buristinitrix + Avian = Flame Wingman

Avian + Bubbleman = Mariner


Launch for Cannon Soldier.


8000 - 2000 = 6000.


You used exactly 2 of each fusion material, which leaves you with exactly one of each fusion material.


Bubbleman + Clayman + Burstinitrix + Avian = Electrum


Electrum puts all the removed from play pieces, all our fusion material, back where it belongs: in play, so we can fuse them ALL AGAIN!



Cannon soldier launches Electrum, then you re-do the process.


6000 - 500 (electrum) = 5500.

5500 - 2500 (whole process) = 3000.

3000 - 2500 (whole process) = 500.


Now you have cannon soldier on the field, and the materials in your deck, but no more fusion monsters from the original combo, and no more Electrum... so fuse fire and water instead for three copies of Steam Healer. Launch them all, then launch Cannon Soldier.


500 - 2000 (three steam healer + cannon soldier) = game, even if they gained 1500 Life points.

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*Drags Judai into the Topic*

J-Max: What have you got to say for yourself? Look what you are doing to people!?

Judai: Hey it's cool There are sweet monsters like Flame WIngman, Rampart Blaster and many more!

J-Max: But they are Fusion monsters! They are too slow to play!

Judai: No worries! I always get a Polymeri- *Is shot in the head*


Word of advice Fusions are just too slow to get out. The ways to Summon them clog up yourt deck and you leave yourself vunerable later if you rely on Fusion Gate. Unless you run a RFTDD of course.

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Thank you, finally. *sigh* I am not a stupid person, guys. I really hope in the future you will be a little more open-minded. (not Toni, but some of the earlier guys.) I am not going to dumb things down or simplify them because people don't want to put effort into understanding. Thank you for your consideration.


Now that we all know what's going on, any more ideas for speed? (i'm trying to figure out how to include a destiny engine)



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It will never be a First Turn Kill, however a second turn kill is possible. (Just that fact that the main card you are looking for is a trap)


Try working 3 cat of ill omens

a 3rd Terraforming

Toon cannon and 3 Tables


Nice idea, me and a buddy of mine thought about how to try to get this to work.

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Holy crap, this is good.


-_- Don't worry, I know what you went through - I too have had decks that nobody understood till I spelled it out for them.


Anywho, Bubble Illusion can certainly help. Also Terraforming.


Also, if you can make room for it, you could add some Hex-Sealed Fusions. They can be used as Substitutes for Chain Material, which lets you get even more fusion out of Chain Material (with substitutes, you can increase the number of monsters Fusion Summoned before needing Electrum).

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