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Synchro Soldiers! (Why is no one commenting/fixing?)

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This is my DMU deck, playing lotsa Warriors and Synchros.


Monsters: 18

3x Bolt Hedgehog

1x Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

2x Junk Synchron

2x Nitro Synchron

1x Sangan

2x Sasuke Samurai

3x Speed Warrior

2x Turbo Synchron

2x Fiend Roar Divine Raven


Spells: 14

2x Book of Moon

1x Heavy Storm

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Premature Burial

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Shrink

2x Spiritual Tuning Wave


Traps: 10

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Synchro Reflect

2x Urgent Tuning

2x Royal Impregnable Fortress


(Extra Deck)



1x Ally of Justice Catastor

2x Brionac, Dragon of the Frozen Realm

2x Gigantech Fighter

2x Junk Warrior

2x Nitro Warrior

2x Order Guardian

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Turbo Warrior


The strategy is simple, get out the first best Synchro you can get, and BAM! Disk Commander is there for three reasons: It can power up Junk Warrior if on the field. It can power up Gigantech Fighter if in Grave and it can give good draw power.

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I would fix, but i have no idea what the heck these cards do?! Also the "Beaten dad" comment was unnecessary, Glad beast beats dad, whats that gotta do with anything? Lastly i do notice you have alot of tuners (i recognize some) but how can you pull off the syncro's? Its not like you can fuse tuners and tuners. Just a little lesson of the deck (or how everything links up) would be beneficially.

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I would suggest dropping Shrinks for Dust Tornados. Skill Drain, Dimensional Prison, Bottomless Trap Hole, Royal Oppression and other anti Meta styled cards would be good against this too, and that is never a wise thing to do. (Change to a new type of deck with the same weakness as the current Meta.) 3 Solemn isn't enough; if you lose your power hitters, you are toast.


Besides, if you protect your Synchros and their effects long enough, they will actually be able to take advantage of their own stats, and the shouldn't need Shrink.

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