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Legendary Game Characters


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Wow, these are actually good, the art doesn't squish too much. (Like how most people make them)

The Effects were interesting to read. They were not too powerful, most had decent effects well made for a yu-gi-oh deck. Good Job =] 9/10

(some effects seemed the same as the Real cards.)

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Good... now I can rate them (though, I don't really see whats so legendary about master chief and a few others... meh... )


9/10 great cards, great effects, great pics.


I'm sure that there are some more legendary characters that you missed (like E.T. who is legendary for his own reasons ) but.... eh... its good for now

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where's Pac-man?


no ones more legendary than pac-man... not even mario...


WTF mario is practicly the gameing god ur a f***ing Dumb ass



btw the cards are good also sam fisher owns good job 8/10


I lol'd


Mario is awesome and is one of the most legendary game characters out there, but if any character deserves the title "gaming god" it's Pac-man


Pac-man was the first recognizable game character ever


if memory serves me correctly, Mario's original name "jumpman" is based on Pac-man's name

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where's Pac-man?


no ones more legendary than pac-man... not even mario...


WTF mario is practicly the gameing god ur a f***ing Dumb ass



btw the cards are good also sam fisher owns good job 8/10


I lol'd


Mario is awesome and is one of the most legendary game characters out there' date=' but if any character deserves the title "gaming god" it's Pac-man


Pac-man was the first recognizable game character ever


if memory serves me correctly, Mario's original name "jumpman" is based on Pac-man's name



idc mario would pwn him and now he doesnt deserve the title

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where's Pac-man?


no ones more legendary than pac-man... not even mario...


WTF mario is practicly the gameing god ur a f***ing Dumb ass



btw the cards are good also sam fisher owns good job 8/10


I lol'd


Mario is awesome and is one of the most legendary game characters out there' date=' but if any character deserves the title "gaming god" it's Pac-man


Pac-man was the first recognizable game character ever


if memory serves me correctly, Mario's original name "jumpman" is based on Pac-man's name



idc mario would pwn him and now he doesnt deserve the title


I lol'd... again...


Tell me, how does mario pwn pac-man and why doesn't Pac-man deserve the title


on topic: Pong needs to some how make it in this set... than this set will be made out of win

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