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My Naruto Set of Cards.Plz Rate

Bakugan Maker

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Pictures does really sucks, and they that don't are used....The OCG does also sucks, for example Fox strike should something like this:

1. Quick-spell "When this card is activated, all "Naruto Uzumaki" on the field gains 1000 ATK and 500 DEF untill the End-Phase.

2.Equip-Spell "This card can only be equiped to "Naruto Uzumaki". The selected monster gains 1000 ATK and 500 DEF.

3.Continuous-Spell " As long as this card is Face-up on the field, all "Naruto Uzumaki" gains 1000 ATK and DEF.


I may have spell wrong, did this fast. But, you can look at other REAL cards and try to get a better OCG. I rate this card 1.5/10

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