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kuraz's effect

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than that would be dark world lighting would still destroy a trap even if its chained and u would get to discard but official rulings say other wise plus after a traps activation it goes immeditly to the grave unless its epuiped or continuos

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The card targeted by "Dark World Lightning" must be face-down when "Dark World Lightning" resolves in order to be destroyed. If you target a face-down Spell or Trap Card, and the opponent activates it in a chain, then it will not be destroyed by "Dark World Lightning". If you target a face-down monster, and it is flipped up in a chain by a card effect before "Dark World Lightning" resolves, the monster is not destroyed.


Kuraz does not need the card to be in any particular position to resolve

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plus after a traps activation it goes immeditly to the grave unless its epuiped or continuos


What the hell made you think that?!


That is totally untrue.


Like JoC said, a spell or trap goes to the Grave after the chain has been resolved succesfully unless it's an Equip Card or Continuous spell/trap.

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what made me think that is how if u mst wabaku and they chain it counts as wabaku activating and resolving not being destroyed by msts effect


Because they form a chain


Chaink Link 1= Mystical Space Typhoon

Chaink Link 2= Waboku

The chain resolves backwards


Waboku resolves first then mystical space typhoon resolves

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than y wouldn't that be the same if u chained wabaku to kuraz's effect its the same situation except mst's effect is faster and by the way u can disagree or whatever but your last post just ruined your arguement


No because the cards remain on the field until the chain resolves, thus Kuraz destroys the resolved card

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