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Question on Synchro Summons

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Okay, I looked on Wikia, it said:


1. During your Main Phase, when the total Level of a Tuner Monster and 1 or more monster(s) you control is equal to the Level of a Synchro Monster you want to summon, you can declare that you are performing a Synchro Summon. Redundant monster(s) are irrelevant.


2. In order to match the Level of the Synchro Monster you summon, send 1 Tuner Monster and other monster(s) with an equal total Level to the Graveyard. Basically, it's only necessary to have 1 Tuner Monster.


3. After sending the monster from your side of the field to the Graveyard, you place the Synchro Monster monster from your Fusion Deck in face-up Attack or Defense Position on your field.


Now do the monster levels have to be exactly equal, or can it be equal to or more?

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