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Elemental Eater


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Good pics' date=' nicew effects, but the last effect of the last card should be: The equipped monster may attack, ignoring the possible restrictions.


I was thinking of what to put there, but "possible restrictions" doesn't sound right...

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Some of the pictures clash, and the artwork is almost too realistic to be attractive. This looks more like a compilation of MAGIC THE GATHERING cards than anything else.


Tree of Tranquility doesn't have the artwork to support its effect. Also, it's absolutely broken.


Ice Wall Man-Eater reminds me of Mirror Wall, where it should only last during the turn its activated, but still finishes the job well. This is chancy, very chancy. It may be a waste to even include it considering Sakuretsu is about. I suppose considering it has staying power makes it useful, but your opponent will either destroy it or avoid attacking with thier important monsters.


The Tribute Monsters are all too easily made. Their gimmick is attack induction per monster of a certain type on the field. It's not creative, and it's not winning any points from me. And where is Dragon of the Wasteland #1?


Sea of Tranquility is one of those basically useless cards. It would be useful if Tree of Tranquility negated the summoning or setting of monsters, and/or if the art didn't clash so terribly. I thought Jinzo's Amplifier was situational, this card is just too situational.


The rest of the spell cards are made out with the same gimmick as all of the tribute monsters - increasing attack.


The Beast from the Bog imitates other monsters, but its effect, of all these cards, is the most worth reading. Although plants are not commonly used.


If you created a card like Green House Garden or something that changed all opponent's monsters into plants, then this card would be worth seeing.


I hate to diminish your effort, because you did put effort into these cards, but you could create more interesting effects.

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Don't get mad at Necrophia. It's just critiquing. I'm thankful for almost any judgment I can get.


P.S. Here's a new card. I personally love the artwork on this one. I don't know about you, but I think this is the best one I've made in this set yet.



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