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Junk Synchro

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Okay, with the 5D's Starter and TDGS coming out I can see a decks similar to this being tried out.



3 The Calculator

1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

3 Junk Synchron

1 Sangan

2 Marauding Captain

3 Jutte Fighter

1 Marshmallon

3 Quillbolt Hedgehog

1 Copycat

2 The Tricky




1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

2 Lightening Vortex

2 Foolish Burial

1 Pot of Avarice

2 Reinforcement of The Army

3 Card of Safe Return

1 Premature Burial





3 Limit Reverse

3 Graceful Revival

1 Mirror Force




Extra Deck(8):

3 Junk Warrior

2 Goyou Guardian

3 Stardust Dragon






It's just an idea, so fixes would be appreciated.

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i cant help thinking stardust dragon will be hard to summon so zoma the spirit will help

and for the love of god

3 card of safe return :|


NEEDS goyu gaurdian and i liek lv4 synchros




but yhea think maurading captain magna dragon

goyu gaurdian ;)


anyhoo i liek this deck it seems in par with my zombie synchro so nice work :)

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i cant help thinking stardust dragon will be hard to summon so zoma the spirit will help

and for the love of god

3 card of safe return :|


NEEDS goyu gaurdian and i liek lv4 synchros




but yhea think maurading captain magna dragon

goyu gaurdian ;)


anyhoo i liek this deck it seems in par with my zombie synchro so nice work :)


Based on suggestions, I yet again edited it. Goyou Guardian is LV6, so Marauding Captain and Magna Drago doesn't work to summon Him. I like the Zoma idea, so added. COSR: how could I forget!? - added. Thanks for the complement about the deck too. :D


The deck total is now 43, with 7 cards in the extra deck, any ideas on how to fix it?

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I see no premmy, no brionac in extra, why are you running drago over juute, I see no Ally of Justice, Junk at 3 before star at 3 is really pro, i am just starting on the fixes *DMC4 is distracting me*

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I see no premmy' date=' no brionac in extra, why are you running drago over juute, I see no Ally of Justice, Junk at 3 before star at 3 is really pro, i am just starting on the fixes *DMC4 is distracting me*



Well, first of all, I'm trying to include cards that will available within the next month or so, not possible TCG exclusive extras. Jutte is a great idea, and as for Stardust: He'll be harder to summon with the lack of Lv 4s so I'd save Myself the trouble get one less than I need. As for Prem: I'll neg a Limit Reverseor an Angel Lift for it.


@ Tonis: Will do, though I think Ultimate Offering would do great in here, I'll take it out for now.


EDIT: Added a side-deck, the trap cards will stay if GBs & LS are still a significant threat in September.

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So any more ideas before I go and proxy the deck?


I just keep thinking that Ultimate Offering is a great choice to add' date=' but I'm not sure what to take out other than a Vortex....



Well, does anybody have ANYTHING left to contribute before I make My final decision?

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So.. I've actually decided on using Ultimate Offering as a Tech card, should anybody care. Suggestions are still being accepted, this is basically what the final version will look like provided I don't get better suggestions. (I'm at the moment only loocking for cards that are out right now, or will be out of TDGS and the 5D's Starter)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Star is the only synchro you should ever run at 3' date=' I also see no cyber dragons/trickies or maybe malicious can be your friend for stardust



1) The deck is BASED ON Junk Warrior, so it only makes sense to run 3 of Him.


2) Why would I run Cyber Dragons or The Tricky?


3) Why Destiny Hero - Malicious?

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