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{REQ} >>Daemon Avatar<<


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[align=center]As you can see, the Daemon of YCM has no avatar so I want one.


Guidelines and Descriptions:


Text on Graphic: Always Fear Daemon is Here

Sub-Text: N/A

Image/Render: Anything evil like my last Signature.

Size: 100x100 PX

Requested Artists: God GAK, Luke fon Fabre, TKill93, Ruby, Tealeaf, Icyblue, Darth Browarod, Slash, Ashje, Blood Rose, Jspamax, Kizzi, Lucas Maximus, Frlf, Glasstin10, Cyber Altair or anyone with a month or 2 GFX training.

Other Comments: Make it really Evil, I'm evil I need Evil to help me rule the world.

Extra: I want a sniper shot border please.[/align]

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This is not an Avatar.

100x100 is an avatar. I would suggest reading some tuts because either you just started GFX or you don't have 2 month GFX training. So sorry nop. :(

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This is not an Avatar.

100x100 is an avatar. I would suggest reading some tuts because either you just started GFX or you don't have 2 month GFX training. So sorry nop. :(

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