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Hero City Burn

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3 EH Lady Heat

2 EH The Heat

3 EH Knopse

3 EH Wildheart

1 EH Stratos

3 EH Ocean



3 Hero City

2 Fifth Hope

2 Emergency Call

2 Righteous Justice

3 Hero's Bond

1 Monster Reborn

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Premature Burial

1 Level Limit-Area B



1 Gravity Bind

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Mirror Force

3 Dimensional Prison/Dark Bribe


Now, before you post, please let me explain.


Gravity Bind is the #1 card support of this deck, bc no monsters can attack, except for EH Wildheart and EH Knopse (bc it's lv 3). Plus, that will make all my heroes safe from battle. But Hero City is in there in case I do have to battle. This lets me make a Hero swarm (with help of N. Summon and Hero's Bond). If I have 3 Lady Heats on the field while Gravity Bind is up, each L.Heat activates their effects. Ex: I have 3 L.Heats and 2 Knopses (Knopse starting at 600 ATK). My Knopse's attack with 1200 damage, then go to End Phase. Then L.Heat does her thing and inflicts 3000 damage! Then I keep doing this until I win. Understand? So, this not meant to kill Big City. This is a different Deck: Hero City Burn.

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