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Hobby League Results

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Well, I placed 4th out of 22 duelists, so it wasn't bad.


During I think the 1st game I played, I sided in 2 Dust Tornado. I forgot to put them back in my Side Deck after that game, so I don't know if I was cheating or something. There had been 4 cards I sided in during another game, but I was told that I had to add them back, so I did.


Game 1: My Banisher Something or other vs. A Dragon Deck


I won 2-0 in that, really easy. The kid used Decoy Dragon...


Game 2: My Banisher Something or other vs. Zombies


I won 2-0. The Zombies stood no chance.


Game 3: My Banisher Monarch vs. Gladiators


I won 2-1. Those Gladiators are incredibly hard to defeat. Prisma, Darius, and Test Tiger make a good combination. The kid that I beat is apparently one of the best duelists that goes there.


Game 4: My Banisher Monarch vs. Some DARK Deck


I lost 2-1. I played Mind Crush, chose Disk Commander, and the kid brought back Disk Commander with Monster Reborn. He had no way to get Disk Commander in the Graveyard, so if I hadn't discarded it, I wouldn't have lost.


Game 5: My Banisher Monarch vs. DARK Destiny thing with Crush Card Virus


I won 2-1. It was a really challenging match.


Game 6: My Banisher Monarch vs. Gladiator Beast


I dueled against the opponent from Game 3, and lost 2-0. He had Heraklinos and Gyzarus.


I placed 4th, and won $10 Store Credit, which I used to buy a Monster Energy Drink, a pack of gum, 2 Hershey Bars, a Milky Way, and a pack of Rise of Destiny. I pulled a Rare Fulsier Dragon in the Rise of Destiny pack.


Good cards I got today:


2 Caius

3 Kuraz

1 Banisher

1 Blue Thunder T-45

1 D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1 Marshmallon

2 Guardian of Order


My best trade:


1|1st Edition Uria Ultra from Shadow of Infinity

1|Infernal Dragon






1|D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1|Guardian of Order


I dueled a kid (not an official tournament match) for his Mirror Force. I bet my Ultimate Rare Grand Mole, my Ultra Enemy Controller, and my Rainbow Dragon (tin version). I lost 2-0. He was using Six Samurai, and my Deck couldn't stand up to that.

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I dueled a kid (not an official tournament match) for his Mirror Force. I bet my Ultimate Rare Grand Mole' date=' my Ultra Enemy Controller, and my Rainbow Dragon (tin version). I lost 2-0. He was using Six Samurai, and my Deck couldn't stand up to that.



Are you seriously crazy enough to bet all those for just a Mirror Force? Gold Series is your friend

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