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World Lock, built in real life without all the flashyness

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I don't have MSE, DMoC, another Gate, and another Foolish (damn kid STOLE mine yesterday).


Monsters: 16

3x XXI

1x Gigaplant


3x Lotus

3x Lonefire

2x Tomato

1x Sangan

1x Snipe

1x Marshy

1x Treeborn


Spells: 19

3x Reasoning

3x Hand Destruction

2x Upstart

2x Trade-In

1x Prema

1x MR

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x MST

1x Brain

1x Foolish

1x Gate

1x Swords


Traps: 5

3x Reversal

1x TT

1x Transmigration

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