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Samurai Card (Edited)


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this Monster is part of my made up samurai set

I'm posting up one for now because i am balancing The other ones and finding proper images for them.


hope you like :)


Pm me if you really like this card.


I changed the level of the card.



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^Mind that guy above you. I don't think your grammar is any worse than some others I see on this site, and I think you can learn fast if you got a bit of help. Am I right? But STL is right about 1 thing, it is overpowered. If you lower the ATK by a hefty amount then it may be reasonable. Remembering that the highest ATK for a level 5-6 is 2600, and thats Frostosaurus, and Summoned Skull after that. But they have no effects so because yours does then it don't make it fair to Frosty, and SS.

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