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You could always cheat. I think this trick works on Gimp as well as the other programs out there.

1. Center the card on your web browser(just make sure you can see the whole thing).

2. Hit the [Print Screen] button on your keyboard.

3. Go to your graphics program, right click, and paste as a new image.

4. Cut the card out of the page and paste it as a new image.


Or, which is a tad more simple...


1. Complete a card in the card maker.

2. Right click and "Save As..." onto your desktop.

3. Open Gimp.

4. Click File -> Open -> go to your desktop -> Select the card you saved.


Either option should work. Keep in mind that there might be minor differences in step 4 of the second method since I haven't actually had GIMP on my PC in years. I hope this helps. ;)

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