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Aggressive spellcasters-needs remodeling!


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This deck has been pretty good so far, but i need help making it better... not sure what to do though :x


Spellcaster Deck-



3x skilled dark magician

2x kycoo the ghost destroyer

2x magician's valkyria


1x silent magician lv 4

2x DMG

1x cybernetic magician

1x magical exemplar

1x dark red enchanter

1x injection fairy lily

1x d.d. warrior lady


1x scapegoat

1x monster reborn

3x lighting vortex

1x MST

3x magical dimension

1x fissure

1x smashing ground

1x brain control

1x card destruction

1x heavy storm


3x magician's circle

1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

2x threatening roar

2x reckless greed

1x solemn judgment


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start again is the best advice is to base it around dark red enchanter.




1| Dark Magician Of Chaos

3| dark red enchanter

3| Firestorm Monarch

1| Toon Summoned Skull


3| magical exemplar

3| injection fairy lily

1| Sangan

1| Treeborn Frog

3| Aprentice Magician

1| Snipe Hunter


2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Premature Burial

3| D.D.R

2| Allure Of Darkness

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Toon Table Of Content


3| Magician Circle

2| Limit Reverse

1| Mirror Force


1| Sanwhich

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are you dumb dark magician decks ran 3 of him way before allute came out and still did good so u don't need allures to run him


*bangs head into keyboard...several times*


Dark Magician is DARK, Allure requires Dark Monsters, get my drift?

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from what i see in your original build you had enough targets genuis


I know i have enough "targets", but im not using dark magician until i get allure; 3 is a burden to the deck, well even one is... Yes i ran that many before it SUCKED.

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