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A DECK OF MY CREATIONS (its a bit anti meta btw;))

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3 mefist the hand pwner

3 airkinght parshath

1 dmoc

1 marshmallon

1 morphing jar

1 spirit reaper

1 treeborn frog

6 gadgets


1 brain control


1 smashing ground

1 fooloish

1 hstorm

3 lightning vortex

3 shrink

1 mst

1 prem

3 monster gate

3 reasoning


3 dust trnado

1 ojama trio


this deck pwns

its basically monster removal s/t removal and a whole load of speed



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Mefist and airknight are total pwnage especially with shrinks. Gadget and monster gate is pro because you get the cost of gate for free and if you gate into another gadget then you just gain its effect again. Me likey vewy much ^^


Only thing I could say is ultimate offering, since your running gadgets and if the oppurtunity arises summoning 5 gadgets at once is just funny :P


EDIT: Just had a brainwave- wulf lightsworn beast >.>!!!


Works like sweet cream cake with reasoning and monster gate. With 3 lightning vortexes any copies in hand wont be a problem and you can probably afford to take out spirit reaper and marshmallon unless they are really needed as tribute material for the other monsters. Ah well its your deck, playtest see what works!

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i suggest don zaloogs


1) Learn to type properly

2) This deck does fail' date=' as all you ever do is through in about 6 cards that aren't meta or staples and the rest ARE metas and staples. So you fail.



you fail NOOB!

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