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Your favorite school subject

Jerry OldMaster

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yeah' date=' but I hate being an Goalkeeper, sometimes, I just didn't have to do anything, the football sometimes even never reached me




I 'm almost always the reserve-player :mrgreen:

I usually only could play football if someone dies, :mrgreen: cuz even someone gets injured, and then notices me waiting, he usually says: "Never mind. I'll play." :mrgreen: and then I must sit and wait as reserve-player even longer...

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I hate PE. Next year is going to be the last year I'm doing it. At my school, you can drop PE when you are in 11th grade. My teacher was really cool and insightful. But he never really punished the jocks in my class. We were playing lacross (I hate lacross. Always have.) and one of the jocks in my class was getting all competitive and ended up "accidently" hitting me in the stomach with the end of his stick. I got the wind knocked out of me and I had trouble getting up for a few seconds. It also hurt for the rest of the class.

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Ouch. We have kids like that in our class too. But our gym teacher leave us alone alot to so theres lots of trouble. I've Had some gym experiences.We were playing hockey and our team was losing. Me and my friend were laughing and having fun. But one kid named Matthew (Kid on our team) Kept hoggin the puck. So i passed the puck to my friend instead of him. He gets all up in my and starts yelling at me. Then he tell him to back off. Insults are flying and gym class is gathering into a circle. Then he says " Shut up or ill knock you out" He cam up to me and went down with 1 shot. He started to cry Lol. I got suspended but my parents didnt ground me or anything

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Meh, I didn't like english last year. My teacher treated us like a kidnergardners by giving us "potty mouth" assignments. I think at 15 ( I was 15 at the time) I'm not going to get pissed and say ding-dong-dang-it. I'm going to say something more high school appropriate and say something like "crap", *daylights*, *daylights*, *daylights*, etc. Seriously, I got a "potty mouth" assignment by saying "crap" and "dang it". I also was just staying around a 86% the whole year in that class. (That, an 86%, is what my school calls a low B.)

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I'd like English more if my teacher didn't (literally) have PMS.


Maths is incredibly boring -When am I ever going to measure 2 sides of a triangle and then figure out the third using triganomatry (However you spell the *daylights* thing) as my teacher put it 'just for fun'


Film and Television would be good if my teacher didn't have a serious problem with unintentionally spitting on everyone in the class and have a strange fascination with essays.


I changed out of Chemistry.


Graphics would be good if I could pass...


That leaves Economics, which is weird, because the teacher can only remember one person's name in out class, and it had to be mine...

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