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In September...

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...what do you think the new changes to the Forbidden/Limited List will be?



Not what you WANT them to be.


What you THINK they will be.



I'm expecting Monster Reborn Forbidden, Call of the Haunted Limited, CCV Forbidden, DAD and JD limited (or semi'd, lol).

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Guest PikaPerson01



Limit Prisma, Ban Heavy Storm, Limit Harpie's Feather Duster, Ban Disk, Limit Gyrazus


Random enough? I think so!

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monster reborn wont get banned aslong as they ban dmoc. jd and dad look like they will become limited but hop4ly they will get the banhammer and never return to the game for a while. i hope they bring bk chaos socerer. i could see prime material getting semi'd pr even limited.

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*see atem's latest list*

*see first post*


Banned: Prisma / Premature Burial / Red Gadget

Limited: Call of the Haunted / Judgement Dragon / Gyzarus

Semi'd: DAD / Armageddon Knight / Disk Commander

Unlimited: Yellow Gadget / Green Gadget

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Guest PikaPerson01

Oh! I forgot about the revolving door on Breaker and MoF! 0_0


Limit Breaker. Limit Magician of Faith. Semi Apprentice.

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Oh! I forgot about the revolving door on Breaker and MoF! 0_0


Limit Breaker. Limit Magician of Faith. Semi Apprentice.


Seems like Breaker and MoF always go together.


Apprentice will have to be Semi'd if MoF is limited.


I hope Breaker will be limited.


But if MoF is limited, Monster Reborn and/or Prem need to go.

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