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More Expanded Cards ~Single Update~

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A notice to all: Unless otherwise stated, most of these images have been found on the internet, through DA, Google, AOL Search, Yahoo! Search, or other search-related engines that exist out there nowadays


Do not be fooled by the name. This is a series of cards set under the "EXE-EN###" ID for a group of fanfictions I am currently writing: "Harry Potter - Duelist Extrodinaire", and "The Oriental Adventure". The small set below is from Harry Potter - Duelist Extrodinaire (and also appearing in The Oriental Adventure).










More to come when I work on that fanfiction's deck.

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I've been doing many cards before, I just haven't been back for over a year and a half, that and I totally forgotten the URL of the site. Anyway, here's the Organization XIII series.


Chamber fo the XIII Order sounds simple, but if your deck is around the low 40s you'll be sacrificing alot of good monsters just for the Organization gang, that is if you have a card with "XIII" in its name and in your hand in the first place.



With it, you summon these men and one lady.













Now, Roxas however needs some help to be summoned. So, use this card with "Chamber of the XIII Order".


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  • 3 months later...

Got a few more cards to post up for review. That Orichalcos card is just for show. Although, if somebody prints it (and a few people DO, like my next doro neighbor... the avid YGO fan) and tries to use it, there's a reason "This card cannot be used in a Duel."






Of course, Pretty Girl's been updated. Now her name is Maya, the "younger sister" of Black Magician Girl/Mana. She's like an adolescent preteen... Most of these "EXE Series" cards are used in a fanfiction of my working... two at least: Harry Potter - Duelist Extrodinaire, and The Oriental Adventure (won't find them on fanfiction.net just yet though).

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Sheesh... this is getting bad for me... hope someone would make a reply with some words on my latest posts? Anyway, I decided to create some decks based on a theme. First I have the Elementalists. Not all cards that focus on a certain theme NEED to have an Effect type added to their status. A few can work fine being regular monster cards. If you know your French, then you'll notice their names are non-jap.







I did not spell the last card wrong, Ritual in French has changed the fifth letter to an 'e'. Faites-moi confiance, je sais. That is the whole theme, and for a built deck, just have a few sacrificials of the needed attribute. Now, I'm going to move onto the next deck theme, the Skull Master's Deck.


Preview: The Skull Master's Deck works basically wiht two duelists. One holds the spells and traps, with six monsters,the sixth a ritual-type monster. The other deck has all of the monsters associated with the Skulls, plus other Zombie-type monsters as sacrificial lamb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only one new card...


Despite the card's name, the monster IS in fact a Fiend-type. Probably doe snot look... vampire-y enough, but we have the handsome Vampire Lord, the beautiful Vampire Lady... why not a child version?

Image from: http://www10.big.or.jp/~no27/sakaki/c-cg.htm


Is the card lore good enough... I still don't know myself...

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