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Dragon Card Contest




1. One entry per contestent

2. Only the first 10 cards become entries

3. All cards must have the Dragon type.

4. Everyone is allowed


The Card will be judged in 3 categories


1. Picture: How the picture looks and compares to the card name. worth 5 points.


2. OCG: How well the OCG is written. Worth 10 points.


3. Style: How well the overall card looks. This will take into affect the OCG, ATK, DEF, Atribute, and Type. Worth 15 points.




1st place: 5 points: Card #9

2nd place: 3 points: Card #8

3rd place: 1 point: Card #1












Description:This card cannot be special special summoned or set you have tribute a dragon of with one being light and the other being dark.Any Dragons with the attribute of light gains 1000 atk and decreases their atk. by 500.[/align]




[spoiler=Effect]If this monster was Summoned by a card effect, the ATK and DEF of this monster is halved until the End Phase of your turn. This monster gains 100 ATK for each FIRE monster removed from play. When this monster is destroyed by battle, you can activate one of the following effects:

-Remove this monster from play. You gain 800 Life Points.

-Discard the top 4 cards from your Deck. Your opponent loses 600 Life Points.

-Destroy all cards on the field. You and your opponent lose Life Points equal to the number of cards destroyed by this effect x100.







NOTE: This is my first contest. Yes, the prizes aren't the best you could get, but hey, I'm a new member here.

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I guess I'll give it a shot.



[spoiler=Effect]If this monster was Summoned by a card effect, the ATK and DEF of this monster is halved until the End Phase of your turn. This monster gains 100 ATK for each FIRE monster removed from play. When this monster is destroyed by battle, you can activate one of the following effects:

-Remove this monster from play. You gain 800 Life Points.

-Discard the top 4 cards from your Deck. Your opponent loses 600 Life Points.

-Destroy all cards on the field. You and your opponent lose Life Points equal to the number of cards destroyed by this effect x100.




TIP: Maybe try to get 25 posts so you can hand out reps as prizes.

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Today is the day I judge these cards. Before I do this, let me just thank all of you for comming out and joining my first contest ever!


I will now begin judging the cards!



Card #1: Red Scale Dragon

Picture: 5/5 No problems with it.

OCG: 6/10 In the effect as a choice of what to do if this monster is destroyed it says Search your deck for a dragon type monster with 1500 defense or less. What do you do with that dragon type monster? Life Points should be capitalised. And finally, Attack and Defense is always abbreviated. Sorry!

Style: 13/15 The card looks very good. I really don't see many problems with it.

Total: 26/30 A very good score.


Card #2: Georic Dragon of the Void

Picture: 3/5 The Wings make the picture look as if it was very resized.

OCG: 9/10 If there were any OCG errors there, I didn't see it. My suggestion is that the affect should be somewhat more powerful for a level 10 monster.

Style: 13.4/15 The ATK seems to low for a level 10 monster. The title seems too long. Finally... thats it.

Total: 25.4/30 Good job


Card #3: Skull Dragon

Picture: 4.5/5 I realise that this is the best you could do but the fact that there is a warrior in that picture kinda throws the meaning off. Otherwise, good job.

OCG: 6/10. The monster's fusion monsters are very easy to get. The effect is way to strong for the fusion requirements/level. Sorry!

Style: 14/15 A very good card. Keep up the good work.

Total: 24.5/30 Congratulations


Card #4: Black-Horned Dragon

Picture: 2/5 Ok the picture is very eye catching and all but... It really dosn't go with the name. The black horns thing, I had to search for them. They don't stand out!!! Otherwise, good job but use that pic on some other card!

OCG: 10/10 There are no OCG problems here but...

Style: 7/15 All of the problems i mentioned above. The ATK and DEF are to small to start out with a level 6. The effect may help but you made the card to strong. What if the player had 6 spells in their graveyard? That is an extra 3000 ATK and DEF points right there! It is way overpowered if you ask me.

Total: 19/30 Work on that. Just saying, I am not trying to be discriminating on your card but I am just a very picky judge.


Card #5: Dragon of Earth - Kuru

Picture: 5/5 You chose/made a very good picture. It looks like it was made for the card. Good job!

OCG: 5/10 Oy vey. No offense, but this OCG stinks! Ok here are the problems. You capitalise Summoned. You use incorrect tense here. You put summon when it should say summoned! (same thing with destroyed) Attack should be capitalised. And finally... Attack should be Abreveated! It is ATK not attack.

Style: 12/15 You did very well overall, Killa Ace. Just work on that OCG and you will have a card worthy of awards.

Total: 22/30. You did ok.


Card #6: Galaxy Dragon

Picture: 3.9/5 The sun that the dragon holds is squished. That tells me that this card was squished as well. But the fact that that is the only problem tells me as well that Galaxy Dragon's picture hides that very well.

OCG: 5/10 Well, the grammar stinks but I can understand most of the effect. Also, when it says that a light dragon gains 1000 ATK and decreases their ATK by 500, couldn't it be easier just to say that they gain 500 ATK?

Style: 11/15 The OCG really stunk and the ATK is to high for the effect. Other than that, good job.

Total: 19.9/30 Ok, that wasn't the best card here. No offense, I am just being a judge.


Card #7: Shindu, The Elder Dragon

Picture: 3/5 What is that thing on fire? That is the dragon, right? Everything is very hazy and does not convey the Elder Dragonness that this card is suppost to be.

OCG: 7/10 Ok, it is a fusion monster but did you have to put the fusion requirements in [ ]? Oh and there is suppost to be a space between the + and the monsters.

Style: 12.5/15 Nothing new to add here.

Total: 22.5/30 Just work on the picture and OCG and you will do fine here.


Card #8: Blaze Hellstorm Dragon

Picture: 4.5/5 The only problem is the white digonal lines all accross it. What are those?

OCG: 10/10 You, Demented, are a very good writer. The card is very ballenced and I see where it is going. Very good

Style: 13/15 Everything is balenced. I don't see any problems at all!

Total: 27.5/30 What a card!!!


Card #9: The Treasured Meteor Grey Dragon

Picture: 5/5 OMGZORS! That picture almost scares me it is so good and scary. It fits perfectly.

OCG: 10/10 This is perfect!

Style: 14/15 The ATK could be lowered a bit but thats it.

Total: 29/30 A near perfect card. Great job!


Card #10 (The last one): Aqua The Marine Dragon

Picture: 4.9/5 What a beautiful picture. It looks so real! I love it.

OCG: 8.9/10 The big problem here is that you put Points in. We don't use Points anymore.

Style: 12/15 It should have a limiter on it. The card is to strong/weak for it's level. The effect is good but the ATK/DEF isn't.

Total: 25.8 Nice card.


And We are Done!!!

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