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Shoop Da Woop Club!!!

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This is my Lazer Club! Enjoy da lazers. There are no ranks. Unlimited members! Anyone can join regardless of who they are. Here, you can talk about lazers, lazer updates, show lazer pictures, show lazer cards, lazer jokes, and lazer qoutes. Hope you guys have fun here!


Members:Lazerman, Mechking101, Cassia, Lord Whitey

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Let's just say there's a racist joke behind Shoop da Whoop' date=' and only those who were around /b/ during Shoop da Whoops creation really remember why.


I think it was because of the deep voices, black faces, and red lips? Im thinking its not racist. but maybe offensive somehow. Ill look it up on the internet for why it could be racist.

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i'll join but keep this in mind.... studies show that 1 out of every 100 members here have "Shoop Da Woop Syndrome". This diesease is no laughing matter as they have blasted many thing (Moms, Dads, Cats, Birds, Kids With Big Lolipops, Ect.) and are forced to go live in a Lazer proof prison rehabilitaion center where they live the rest of their lives. So Please show some pity for the helpless victims.

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