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my first cards


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Just stop. Please. For all of our sake read a freakin' Yugioh instruction manual before you post anymore of these. You are making my eyes bleed. I could say something really mean and truthful right now, but I'm not going to because that would be the complete opposite of a self-esteem booster.


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Hero is not a type and it's supposed to be ATK and DEF not Attk and Def. I was right! You are new to the yugioh game. My advice: Never make cards again unless you look at real cards,read their effects, and find out how to play yugioh TCG. Also look at card types so you know which ones are real. Once you see what a real card looks like make as many cards as you wish. My rating on all your cards(I still remember the others you deleted from your first post) is -10/10. Also correct ATK/DEF points can only end in 00 or 50.

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Yes thank you for listening' date=' and removing your cards from off this planet!.



I hear you.


You forgot 2 of them.


Also, thank you person! for the advice everyone on this forum should know. I would have said something among the lines of that, but I didn't because I already said that too many times for one day, and didn't know which issue to address first.

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